Quora Insights

Health & Wellness Market Trends & Quora Audience Insights

In recent years, consumers have made a major shift towards a more personalized approach to their well-being. Fueled by advancements in healthtech, there’s a growing awareness and interest among individuals with regard to their health needs. People are seeking out health solutions tailored specifically to their own needs, goals, and preferences. This interest in personalized health is being driven by several factors.

New technologies like at-home testing kits, wearable devices, remote patient monitoring, and mobile apps are making it easier for people to track detailed data about their own health and wellness, including physical activity, heart rate, sleep patterns, and more. With access to this personal data, people can make lifestyle changes and health decisions that are more customized to their own bodies and habits.

Additionally, the rising costs of healthcare have motivated people to take greater control over their own health. Using personalized devices and health platforms allows people to be more proactive and preventative in their health approach. For instance, continuous glucose monitors empower individuals with diabetes to better manage their blood sugar. Genetic testing helps people understand their inherited health risks and make appropriate lifestyle choices to minimize those risks.

Lastly, people today generally expect experiences and products tailored to their preferences and needs. Overall, the interest in personalized health reflects people’s desire to have agency over their health and wellbeing through solutions that work best for their own bodies and circumstances.

As consumer needs and interests undergo transformation,  brands across the health and wellness sector—as well as their advertising methods—must evolve in tandem. Advertisers must swiftly recalibrate their strategies to remain relevant. The challenge for health and wellness brands today is to comprehend and deliver value in alignment with a more informed user base adopting burgeoning health and wellness trends.


Global health & wellness market statistics and trends

To adapt to the changing market dynamics, it’s crucial for advertisers to grasp the current landscape of the global health and wellness market. Statista estimates the sector’s global market value will reach nearly $7 trillion by 2025. 

This growth trajectory is exemplified by the swelling health and wellness food market and adoption of digital health technologies. To remain competitive, businesses must embrace innovation and adapt to this new era.

$170 Billion

Estimated revenue of the global digital health sector in 2023

$96.96 Billion

Total revenue of the market’s largest segment, Digital Fitness & Well-Being

Greater than $1 Trillion

Estimated global health and wellness food market by 2026

Additionally, interesting trends have emerged in information-seeking behavior globally in the last three years amid the coronavirus pandemic. A study published by Sage Journals found online information sources and digital literacy played a vital role in information-seeking behavior during the pandemic. 

As individuals become more attuned to their health needs, there’s a growing appetite for educational content that not only imparts knowledge but also establishes trust and showcases expertise. Crafting informative materials that address concerns and provide credible insights regarding healthcare, allows brands to position themselves as authoritative guides on the journey to well-being.


Health & wellness advertising market

The Health & Wellness advertising market is undergoing a dynamic transformation, fueled by the evolving priorities of health-conscious consumers. 

According to a comprehensive analysis conducted by MarketResearch.Biz, the global healthcare advertising market currently stands at $36 billion, and is expected to grow to nearly $60 billion by 2032. Online advertising in the global healthcare market has seen remarkable growth in recent years and healthcare providers and advertisers are devoting substantial resources to digital advertising.

$19.66 Billion

Estimated US healthcare digital ad spend by 2024


of healthcare marketing executives say their organization has a content marketing strategy in place


of Americans look for health-related information on social media


of US consumers find a lack of personalized messaging frustrating

Digital platforms have emerged as focal points for advertisers due to their widespread reach and adaptability in catering to shifting consumer behaviors and preferences. However, the foundation of effective health and wellness advertising extends beyond numbers; it hinges on building trust. 

As consumers become increasingly discerning, transparency and credibility have become crucial to any digital campaigns. Brands that prioritize these aspects in their marketing stand to establish strong, enduring relationships with their target audience. By clearly communicating how products and services can personally benefit consumers, advertisers can forge connections that resonate with health-conscious individuals.


Health & wellness advertising – digital trends & examples

Digital advertising is a crucial aspect of earning brand trust for modern health advertisers, especially post-pandemic, as consumers rely on information from online sources for making purchase decisions. 

Incorporating visual and aspirational content is a potent strategy to inspire and educate audiences about various health and wellness topics. Engaging images or immersive videos such as how-to guides, product explainers, and user-generated content showcasing real-life experiences, can help health and wellness brands captivate viewers and provide value-driven information.

Native advertising is another efficient form of advertising to grab consumers attention and promote products and services without overtly pitching. By seamlessly integrating brand messaging into valuable health content, native ads can influence audiences in a subtle, engaging way.

A pertinent illustration of native advertising’s effectiveness can be seen in Quora Promoted Answers. By integrating within organic Quora conversations, brands can deliver tailored solutions precisely when consumers are seeking answers. This contextually relevant format fosters trust and reinforces brands’ expertise in the health and wellness domain.

Quora’s resonance with health-conscious users, coupled with its capacity to nurture brand awareness and offer tailored engagement, makes it an exceptional space for Health & Wellness advertising. Many health and wellness brands have found success in building brand awareness, thought leadership and eventually influencing purchase decisions with Quora Ads.


Heightened engagement, superior conversion rates, and impressive cost-efficiency

GenoPalate, a data-driven, nutrition company, harnessed Quora’s potential to reach their target audience. They had a strategic approach that included a prospecting campaign, a retargeting campaign and constantly testing different creatives. They were also able to leverage user generated content and influencer created answers to add authenticity. Quora emerged as GenoPalate’s standout platform, surpassing industry giants like Google and Facebook by up to 40% in scale and cost-effectiveness. They consistently received higher-quality traffic from their Quora campaign, marked by longer on-site engagement, increased average order values (AOVs), and robust conversion rates.


Spread vaccine awareness with great CTRs and CTVs

During the COVID-19 pandemic, GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) recognized the need to address concerns surrounding routine vaccinations. Amidst the ongoing uncertainty of whether to continue vaccinations or delay them, GSK seized the opportunity to disseminate vital information on the significance of timely immunizations. The campaign achieved remarkable success, not only spreading awareness about vaccinations but also enhancing brand recognition. With 52M+ impressions and 500K+ clicks from a highly engaged and health-conscious community on Quora, GSK witnessed a high click-through rate (CTR) and an impressive click-to-visit rate (CTV).

Apollo Hospitals Group

Increased brand awareness and trust by eradicating misinformation at lower CPCs

Apollo Hospitals Group embarked on a mission to eradicate misinformation and drive health awareness. Recognizing Quora’s vibrant discussions around health, Apollo saw the platform as an ideal medium to engage with their target audience. They utilized their Business Profile to share medical information, including videos with medical experts to add more authority. To accelerate engagement, Apollo promoted their answers, which not only increased brand awareness but it also positioned Apollo as a trusted source of accurate medical information.


Appealed to health and wellness enthusiasts with Video Ads

HealthifyMe, a leading health and wellness app, achieved remarkable success by effectively utilizing different ad formats on Quora. HealthifyMe adopted a multi-faceted approach to engage a high-intent audience interested in health and wellness. On the one hand, they began answering questions about diet, nutrition, weight loss, and healthy lifestyles with their Business Profile. Simultaneously, they leveraged existing customer reviews from HealthifyMe, and promoted these testimonials on Quora to an audience interested in health and wellness. With this strategy, they achieved a Promoted Answers CTR that is 3 times higher than the industry benchmark and an Image Ads CTR that is 40% higher. Their Video Ads were also highly engaged with a view-through rate (VTR) of 60%.


Health & wellness advertising on Quora 

Quora is a dynamic platform that uniquely caters to the information-seeking nature of health-conscious consumers. As a hub for organic health and wellness conversations, Quora is an ideal platform for advertisers seeking to engage directly with a receptive audience.

Quora’s user engagement mirrors the heightened health consciousness in society. A closer look at the trending topics associated with health and wellness reveal a substantial surge in questions related to Running, Yoga, Hospitals, Medical Doctors, Mental Health, Gyms, Exercise, Calories, Medicine, Fitness, and Recipes. 

Health and wellness brands have a great opportunity to leverage online discussions about health and engage with active online users, establish their leadership and authority in the category and eventually influence purchase decisions. By actively participating in relevant Quora discussions, businesses can position themselves as authoritative voices in the health and wellness space. Sharing valuable insights, expert advice, and scientifically-backed information will not only establish credibility but also foster trust among potential customers.

Advertisers can utilize Quora’s versatile nature for multiple purposes. Brands can establish themselves as reliable sources of information, addressing queries and building awareness around health-related subjects. Moreover, Quora offers advanced targeting solutions, enabling advertisers to engage users further down the funnel with specific product or service offerings that align with their needs.


Trending health & wellness topics on Quora

By capitalizing on the platform’s trends and targeting high-growth topics, advertisers can communicate, educate, and connect with their target audience—fostering an authentic relationship that aligns with their unique aspirations.

Topics with a high percentage increase in year-over-year views

  • Healthy Living: +93%
  • Women’s Health: +91%
  • Health Advice: +89%
  • Nutrition: +70%
  • Healthy Eating: +60%
  • Gyms and Workout Facilities: +56%
  • Medicine and Healthcare: +54%

Get your brand’s message in front of over 400 million monthly unique visitors on Quora.


Quora’s global health & wellness audience stats



In the US, health-consciousness has emerged as a significant driver influencing consumer patterns in recent years. The GWI Core 2022 survey of Quora users in the country provides valuable insights into how this growing awareness is shaping consumer behaviors and preferences. With 45% of Quora users describing themselves as “health-conscious” and a majority expressing interest in fitness, personal healthcare, and plant-based diets, it is evident that health considerations have become a pivotal factor in the purchasing decisions of many Americans.

The surge in health-consciousness is reshaping the way consumers approach various aspects of their lives, starting with their dietary choices. Quora users are 62% more likely to be interested in vegan food and 56% more likely to be interested in vegetarian foods compared to the average internet user. 

A heightened interest in fitness and exercise among Quora users reflects a growing desire for an active and healthy lifestyle. 48% of Quora users are interested in fitness and exercise, with 35% of Quora going to the gym at least once a week and nearly half (49%) going running at least once a week.

Quora users also take a strong interest in personal healthcare, with 53% reporting being attentive to it. This suggests that health-conscious consumers are actively engaged in monitoring and improving their health, seeking information on preventive measures, self-care practices, and wellness products.

Popular health and wellness topics on Quora in the US

Brands can proactively engage with health-conscious consumers on Quora by sharing insightful content within some of the platform’s popular health and wellness topics.



2.4M Questions

Medicine & Healthcare


4.1M Questions



1M Questions

Mental Health


1M Questions

Healthy Living


155K Questions

Medical Conditions


635K Questions

Muscle Strength & Fitness


58K Questions

Medical Advice


141K Questions

Top health & wellness questions on Quora in the US

Conversations among health-conscious users range from fitness to healthy eating and the healthcare system.

Get your brand’s message in front of 147 million monthly unique visitors on Quora in the US.



In response to the surging wave of health consciousness in Europe, businesses and industries are swiftly adapting their strategies to meet the evolving preferences of consumers. With 45% of Quora users in Europe identifying themselves as “health-conscious,” companies are embracing transparency and emphasizing the health benefits of their products. 

One of the significant aspects driving this shift is the heightened interest in fitness and exercise among health-conscious consumers. 40% of Quora users in Europe report an interest in fitness and exercise. The demand for exercise equipment, gym memberships, fitness wearables, and exercise apps is soaring as health-conscious Europeans eagerly invest in their well-being. 

Another dimension influenced by health consciousness is dietary choices. 44% of Quora users in Europe report choosing healthy food and drinks, and they are 95% more likely to explore vegan food than the average internet user. 

Moreover, consumers in Europe want control over their health, with 46% taking interest in personal healthcare. They are actively seeking information on preventive measures, self-care practices, and wellness products such as supplements, vitamins, and natural remedies to nurture their physical and emotional well-being. 

Popular health & wellness topics on Quora in Europe

Millions of Quora users in Europe are actively engaging in conversations related to health, fitness, and medical advice.



2.4M Questions

Medicine & Healthcare


4.1M Questions



1M Questions

Mental Health


1M Questions

Healthy Living


155K Questions

Medical Conditions


635K Questions

Muscle Strength & Fitness


58K Questions

Medical Advice


141K Questions

Popular health & wellness questions on Quora in Europe

The health community on Quora in Europe is active and teeming with lively discussions about a variety of topics ranging from sports clubs and gyms to healthy eating alternatives.

Get your brand’s message in front of 48 million monthly unique visitors on Quora in Europe and the UK.





Amidst the ever-changing consumer landscape of India, a powerful wave of health consciousness is sweeping across the nation, leaving a profound impact on purchase intentions. This transformative shift is driven by a rising awareness of health-related matters and a growing desire for a more balanced and healthy lifestyle. 

At the core of this health revolution is a strong desire for healthier food options. This is evident in the fact that 56% of Quora users in India have shown an interest in healthy foods and drinks, indicating a growing awareness of dietary choices. Fresh fruits, vegetables, and whole grains are increasingly becoming staples in people’s diets.

However, this newfound passion for health is not just confined to the dining table. India is witnessing a fitness revolution with 52% of Quora users in India routinely making a trip to the gym at least once a week, and 71% engaging in weekly running sessions. Health-conscious individuals are now embracing an active lifestyle with enthusiasm and are open to investing in fitness equipment, wearable devices, and fitness apps to turn around their unhealthy daily routines.

The realm of personal care is inspiring a similar shift towards health consciousness with 53% of Quora users in India taking active interest in their personal healthcare and 47% researching health issues and healthcare products online. These enlightened consumers are now more discerning than ever, meticulously scrutinizing the ingredients in personal care items. Brands that prioritize sustainability and ethical practices are in demand more than ever.

Quora is also an intriguing platform for companies in the healthtech space, as Quora users in India are 54% more likely to purchase health insurance online and 64% more likely to have purchased medicines or pharmaceuticals online in the last month. Additionally, 35% of Quora users in India checked their health symptoms online in the last week and 44% admitted to being influenced by information or recommendations found online when considering healthcare brands. 

Popular health & wellness topics on Quora in India

By participating in relevant Quora discussions, businesses can position themselves as authoritative voices in the health and wellness space. The following topics illustrate strong starting points for sharing valuable insights and expert advice to foster trust among potential customers.



2.4M Questions

Medicine & Healthcare


4.1M Questions



1M Questions



644K Questions

Healthy Eating


620K Questions

Medical Conditions


635K Questions

Healthy Living


155K Questions

Mental Health


1M Questions

Popular health & wellness questions on Quora in India

Proactively engaging with users will allow businesses to showcase their products or services as solutions to the health-related queries and concerns of the Quora community in India. 

These are the kind of questions that are popular in health and wellness topics on Quora.

Get your brand’s message in front of 100 million monthly unique visitors on Quora in India.


Southeast Asia

In the bustling and culturally diverse expanse of Southeast Asia, a sweeping wave of health consciousness has unfurled, weaving its influence into every facet of consumer behavior and purchase intentions. The growing need for healthier options is not only shaping preferences but also compelling brands to relook at the messages they send out to consumers.

The need for a healthy and active lifestyle is apparent, with a majority (58%) of Quora users in Southeast Asia boasting of being health-conscious and 54% expressing an interest in fitness and exercise—a palpable shift toward fitness-centric living. This newfound mindfulness extends beyond physical fitness and encompasses critical healthcare decisions, with 61% of Quora users reportedly taking keen interest in their personal healthcare. 

In this digitally interconnected era, individuals are navigating the intricate landscape of healthcare with greater awareness, leveraging online resources to make informed decisions. Being more tech-savvy and aware, Quora users are at the forefront, with 58% actively researching health issues and healthcare products online, while 39% report being influenced by online information or recommendations when considering healthcare brands. 

This digital revolution is also giving way to an increase in online purchases for both major and minor healthcare products. Quora users are 99% more likely to purchase health insurance online and 73% more likely to have purchased medicines or pharmaceuticals online in the last month.

With the evolving consumer needs, the demand for healthier products emerges as a poignant thread. A resounding 64% of Quora users express a keen interest in healthy foods and drinks, triggering  a shift towards mindful nutrition.

Popular health & wellness topics on Quora in Southeast Asia

Quora hosts a number of topics devoted to discussions about healthy living, fitness, healthcare, mental health and more which are actively visited and engaged by these health-conscious users.



2.4M Questions

Medicine & Healthcare


4.1M Questions



1M Questions



644K Questions

Healthy Eating


620K Questions

Medical Conditions


635K Questions

Healthy Living


155K Questions

Mental Health


1M Questions

Popular health & wellness questions on Quora in Southeast Asia

Conversations on Quora offer businesses an opportunity to engage directly with consumers through insightful responses to their queries. Here are a few select questions in the health and wellness community on Quora.

Get your brand’s message in front of 29 million monthly unique visitors on Quora in Southeast Asia.


Australia & New Zealand

In recent years, a seismic shift has rippled through the consumer landscape in the Australia and New Zealand region. The rise of health consciousness has wielded a powerful influence over purchase intentions, reshaping the very essence of consumer behavior and product demand. 

At the heart of this transformation lies a booming demand for healthier products. Consumers in Australia and New Zealand, awakened to the importance of their well-being, are yielding their purchasing power to seek out foods that align with their dedication to health. In fact, 43% of Quora users express interest in healthy foods and drinks. 

However, health consciousness is not confined to dietary discipline. It has ignited an inferno of interest in the fitness industry as well. 44% of Quora users in Australia and New Zealand take an active interest in fitness and exercise, with 42% frequenting gyms and 47% going running every week. Nearly a third of Quora users in the region (32%) also like to participate in sports. 

Furthermore, the survey results unveil the prevalence of online health-related research as a major purchase influencer in the region. Nearly half (49%) of Quora users delve into online resources to gather information about health issues and healthcare products, with 33% even checking their health symptoms online just last week! Online channels are not only prevalent in the consideration phase but also the purchase journey of these tech-savvy consumers. They are 94% more likely to have purchased medicines online in the last month and 48% more likely to purchase health insurance online.

Popular health & wellness topics on Quora in Australia and New Zealand

Brands have the opportunity to engage millions of health-conscious consumers discussing health, wellness, fitness and brands they trust on Quora. This kind of direct engagement allows businesses to understand and address the specific health and wellness queries of their target audience. 



2.4M Questions

Medicine & Healthcare


4.1M Questions



1M Questions



644K Questions

Healthy Eating


620K Questions

Medical Conditions


635K Questions

Healthy Living


155K Questions

Mental Health


1M Questions

Popular health & wellness questions on Quora in Australia and New Zealand

By offering expert insights and tailored solutions to consumer queries, businesses can establish credibility and resonance, positioning themselves for success in the dynamic convergence of health and consumerism. Here are some of the top questions from Australia and New Zealand’s health-drive popolace.

Get your brand’s message in front of 12 million monthly unique visitors on Quora in Australia & New Zealand


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