Quora Insights

Travel & Tourism Market Trends & Quora Audience Insights

As the world gradually recovers from the impact of COVID-19, the travel and tourism industry is at a turning point. The rapid distribution of vaccines, adherence to health protocols, and a desire to break free from months of confinement have breathed new life into this sector.

Today’s travelers have changed their preferences, focusing on safety, flexibility, and sustainability. This shift has paved the way for travel agents, transportation providers, accommodations, and leisure businesses to adapt and cater to these new demands. Domestic getaways, nature-oriented adventures, and destinations that offer space and safety are in the spotlight.

For travel agents, the way they approach travel has transformed. It’s no longer just about the destination; it’s about ensuring holistic safety, providing memorable experiences, and being adaptable. Airlines and train services are redefining “luxury” by emphasizing cleanliness, touchless technology, and flexible bookings alongside seat comfort. Hotels and resorts have become more than just places to relax; they are now sanctuaries of safety. Leisure businesses are seeing a clear demand for open spaces, less crowded venues, and sustainable practices.

However, amidst this transformation, a significant challenge arises: how can you effectively communicate these enhanced offerings to discerning travelers?

This is where targeted advertising becomes crucial.

With the changing travel landscape, there is a golden opportunity for travel agents, government agencies, accommodations, transportation providers, and leisure businesses to leverage the right channels to reach their audience. Now is the time for these entities to invest in advertising to showcase how they have innovated, adapted, and transformed to meet the needs of today’s travelers. Those who seize this opportunity will be the leaders in this revitalized journey of global tourism.


Global travel and tourism market statistics & trends

Despite steady inflation and the high cost of travel, consumers are ready to return to the roads, seas, and skies. According to S&P Global, global air travel in January 2023 exceeded 2019 levels for the first time since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Statista estimates that global travel and tourism revenue will surpass $854 billion in 2023. Further, 74% of total revenue will be generated through online sales by 2027. Hotels, package holidays, and vacation rentals are the top three revenue contributors in the travel sector, according to Augusta Free Press

In 2023, the biggest contributor to revenue–hotels–are projected to generate $406 billion in revenue (16% growth YoY). Package holidays will follow, comprising 32% of the sector’s revenue at $279 billion (22% growth YoY), with vacation rentals expected to reach $97 billion (17% growth YoY). Though still lagging behind, the cruise industry is expected to rebound this year, with a 35% YoY revenue increase to $25 billion.

Almost one-third of Americans are planning more leisure travel in 2023, according to the NPD Omnibus Survey. As a result, travel-related merchandise categories such as luggage and books have also seen recent growth. 


of global consumers are planning a leisure trip in the next 12 months 


of US adults list leisure travel as a top budget priority in 2023


of global holiday bookings were made in September-October last year


of US consumers reported giving up apparel purchases in favor of travel

Travel and tourism advertising market outlook & statistics

Zenith Media’s Business Intelligence Travel report noted 36% growth in travel ad spend in 2022, and estimates that in 2023 the industry will finally recover all ground lost during the pandemic to reach $19.6 billion—with a heavy portion coming from digital.

With many people eager to resume their travel plans and explore new destinations, travel marketers can leverage this enthusiasm to promote their travel products and services online.

Of mature travel ad spend markets, the report estimates the fastest growth will come from India, China, and the United States, where 2023 travel ad spend will be 31%, 16%, and 13% above their 2019 baselines, respectively. Consumers in India, especially, are keen on traveling post-pandemic, with 57% agreeing, “Travel has become more important since the pandemic,” per a recent YouGov report.


of travel brands’ budgets will go towards digital advertising in 2023


of travel sales are conducted through e-commerce, versus 20% for retail as a whole

$63 million

The amount US domestic airlines spent on advertising in Q1 2022 —up from $23.6 million in Q1 2019
Social media platforms like Quora are ideal places for travel marketers to advertise due to their vast global reach and targeting capabilities that allow marketers to reach specific demographics, interests, and behaviors. This enables marketers to create personalized ads that captivate their target audience from the early stages of research all the way through to conversion. Further, social media platforms offer eye-catching ad formats such as videos and images that can effectively showcase travel destinations and experiences.

Travel advertising digital trends

The shift towards digital channels has opened up new avenues for marketers to reach their target audience and drive conversions. By leveraging these trends and tailoring their strategies to meet the evolving needs of travelers, businesses can effectively navigate the post-pandemic travel market and achieve success.


Video ads for travel & tourism

Compelling video ads have the unique ability to truly captivate audiences by showcasing the natural beauty, vibrant culture, exciting activities and amenities available at a destination. Nothing immerses viewers quite like moving images and sound. This allows travel marketers to virtually transport people to sweeping landscapes or bustling cities from the comfort of their own homes.

Well-produced videos with aerial footage, timelapse sequences or first-person perspectives can effectively evoke the sensations of adventure, exploration and discovery associated with travel. By highlighting memorable experiences through emotional storytelling, videos are known to more easily stir wanderlust in viewers.

The impact of video is evidenced by its high engagement rates. Viewers are known to spend more time with video content compared to other formats. When videos manage to provoke an emotional response, they have shown to more effectively inspire action whether that be sharing with friends or booking a trip.


of marketers say video marketing has helped them increase brand awareness


of marketers say video marketing has helped them increase traffic


of marketers say video marketing has helped them generate leads


of marketers say video marketing has helped them increase sales

For these reasons, travel marketers would be remiss not to utilize the unparalleled visual storytelling abilities of video advertising. On Quora, compelling videos promote destinations in an immersive fashion that no other medium can match.

To maximize the potential of video ads on Quora, marketers should consider featuring real-life experiences, testimonials, or virtual tours. Highlighting safety measures and flexible booking options could also reassure potential travelers and encourage them to plan their next trip.


Image ads for travel & tourism

Image ads continue to be a powerful tool for travel advertisers. High-quality images can transport viewers to far-off locations and inspire them to book their next trip. These ads tend to have a higher engagement rate compared to text-based ads due to their visual appeal.

Image ads receive


more attention compared to plain text ads on Facebook

On Quora, travel advertisers can create visually engaging image ads to showcase destinations. Evocative photography allows travel marketers to literally show potential visitors all that a place has to offer in a way that text alone cannot.

Image ads containing beautiful scenic or lifestyle photos relevant to the topic of the page tend to have a higher engagement rate compared to plain text-based ads. Their innate visual appeal can immediately grab attention and transport viewers directly to sweeping landscapes, cultural attractions, or leisure activities at a destination.

For travel advertisers on Quora, stunning visuals paired with compelling copy and contextual targeting provide an impactful way to keep destinations top of mind for potential travelers, as well as highlight special deals or promotions. The right image can make all the difference.


Native ads for travel & tourism

Native advertising is another effective strategy for travel marketers. These ads match the look, feel, and function of the media format in which they appear, resulting in a seamless and less intrusive experience for users and. This non-disruptive format builds trust and credibility, as brands position themselves as industry experts.

Native advertising placements like Quora’s Promoted Answers blend seamlessly into the user experience. When done well, Promoted Answers allow travel brands to provide valuable information directly related to user queries, without feeling like traditional interruptive ads.

Quora’s Promoted Answers format allows travel brands to provide valuable information directly related to user queries in a natural, editorial-style layout, providing an engaging context for potential travelers seeking information. For travel advertisers, strategic use of Promoted Answers featuring local experts, guides and travel writers can authentically share insider tips, recommendations and first-hand experiences. Promoted Answers from travel influencers and bloggers who’ve visited the destination can also be highly relevant and engaging ads.

Brands may also consider elevating their own answers written from the perspective of company representatives or regional tourism boards. Responses should aim to educate readers rather than use overt sales pitches. Providing compelling reasons to be interested in a destination will naturally lead readers to explore further.

The authentic, knowledgeable voices featured in Promoted Answers gives the format strong credibility and makes it well-suited for travel marketers seeking to engage potential visitors through helpful, informative content.


Travel advertising on Quora

Over 400 million global monthly unique users visit Quora to read answers from experts and travelers sharing first-hand experiences. Travel marketers can create ads targeting users interested in specific destinations or types of travel. Placing ads alongside popular travel-related answers provides social proof and implicit endorsement from the Quora community. 

The question-and-answer format also allows travel marketers to provide useful information to users researching travel options, building goodwill and brand awareness in the process.

Popular travel and tourism topics on Quora

International Travel


Visiting & Travel






Air Travel


Travel Hacks


Travel Tips


Adventure Travel


Visiting and Travel in India




Trending travel topics on Quora

Quora’s audience turned to the platform to research destinations, and read reviews about different experiences before finalizing their travel plans. The following travel topics saw a surge in questions during peak booking season: 

    • Hotels: +87%
    • Airlines: +64%
    • Visiting and Travel: +63%
    • Air Travel: +61%
    • Flights: +55%
    • Tourism: +55%
    • Vacations: +50%
    • Passports: +46%
    • International Travel: +33%

Travel topic and tourism views on Quora worldwide

Popular travel segments worldwide and how they are trending on Quora

Popular travel questions on Quora worldwide

Get your brand’s message in front of over 400 million Quora users planning their next trip.


Quora’s global travel audience stats


US Quora users

The travel industry in America is thriving, as people eagerly embark on their long-awaited trips. Statista predicts that the U.S. travel and tourism sector will surpass $190 billion in 2023, averaging revenue of $840 per user (ARPU). Hotels remain the largest market in the country’s travel and tourism sector.


 are interested in travel


resolved to travel more in 2023


are planning to take a domestic vacation


 purchased a domestic vacation in the last 3-6 months


are planning an international vacation


say online reviews from other travelers have the biggest impact on their decision of where to travel

US travel content views on Quora

US travel and tourism content views on Quora spike seasonally during peak travel months. The surge in views on travel topics increases during the summer months of June and July, as well as later in the year from October to December as people plan trips to visit friends and family, vacation both domestically and abroad, and travel for the holidays. 

Top travel & tourism questions on Quora in the US

Quora users immerse themselves in holiday travel plans. They research destinations, create itineraries, and find inspiration from fellow travelers. This time of year sees a surge in user engagement on travel-related questions.

Get your brand’s message in front of 147 million US Quora users planning their next trip.


Europe Quora users

2023 is a promising year for tourism in Europe, as the industry is slowly rebounding and people are eager to explore again. A recent report from Travellyze finds 43% of European travelers are planning to spend 1,000-3,000 Euros on their trips throughout the year. Luxury travel will take center stage as one of the main spending drivers for 2023, with an 11% increase in luxury suite and villa bookings, according to International Tourism Group.


are interested in travel


resolved to travel more in 2023


are planning to take a domestic vacation


purchased a domestic vacation in the last 3-6 months


are planning an international vacation


say online reviews from other travelers have the biggest impact on their decision of where to travel

Europe travel content views on Quora

The increase in enthusiasm has sparked a notable rise in engagement on Quora among European users. They’ve been actively participating in discussions about reconnecting with loved ones, revisiting favorite places, trying various cuisines, and savoring the overall experience of travel.

Quora users are avid travelers, as can be seen from a recent Global Web Index survey, which found that 39% of Quora users in Europe like outdoor activities and 79% enjoy going on domestic vacations at least once a year.

About two-thirds of Quora users (67%) also embark on short vacations abroad at least once a year. Quora users are more technologically inclined when it comes to travel bookings, being 44% more likely to purchase travel tickets online than the average user.

Top travel & tourism questions on Quora in Europe

Travelers are ready to pack their bags and take off to unexplored destinations once again. Users are excited and actively researching travel experiences in and around Europe as well as abroad. They’re researching everything from the top destinations, and must-visit places to airlines, suites, cruises, and more.

Germany Quora users


are interested in travel


resolved to travel more in 2023


are planning to take a domestic vacation


purchased a domestic vacation in the last 3-6 months


are planning an international vacation


say online reviews from other travelers have the biggest impact on their decision of where to travel


 are interested in travel


 resolved to travel more in 2023


are planning to take a domestic vacation


 purchased a domestic vacation in the last 3-6 months


are planning an international vacation


say online reviews from other travelers have the biggest impact on their decision of where to travel

Get your brand’s message in front of 48 million European & UK Quora users planning their next trip.


APAC Quora users

India Quora users

The travel and tourism sector continues to reign as one of the crucial industries in India, and is expected to make a substantial contribution of approximately $201 billion by the end of 2023, according to World Travel & Tourism Council. The year already began with a strong start with a 230% growth, compared to last year, in international travel bookings during the summer, as per Cleartrip data with Bangkok, Dubai, and Male being the top destinations for travelers. This surge is expected to continue into the second half of the year as users start planning their long holiday travels. 


are interested in travel


resolved to travel more in 2023


are planning to take a domestic vacation


of Quora users go on a domestic vacation at least once a year


of Quora users go on short-haul vacation abroad at least once a year


of Quora users fly business class at least once a year

Quora users are 52% more likely to purchase travel insurance online

India travel content views on Quora

Travel optimism is soaring, and with it, travel conversations on Quora are witnessing a big increase in views and engagement. The spike in interest can be seen in the content views on topics related to travel on Quora which increased by 50% in January 2023 compared to the same time last year. 

Travel was one of the top new year resolutions for Quora users in India; as many as 41% users  resolved to travel more in 2023, according to a recent GWI survey. 

The survey also found that 60% of Quora users take a keen interest in traveling with a majority of them enjoying local and international vacations every year. A good 82% go on annual domestic vacations and more than 50% of them enjoy short vacations abroad, at least once a year. Many of them also seem to be willing to spend more for a comfortable experience. 44% of Quora users fly business class at least once a year.

Top Travel & Tourism Questions on Quora in India

Quora users are buzzing with excitement as they plan their travel adventures, seek out the perfect destinations, and find inspiration from fellow travelers. The community is abuzz with conversation, discussing everything from itineraries and must-see attractions to foreign trips and tips for solo travel.

Get your brand’s message in front of 100 million Indian Quora users planning their next trip.


Southeast Asia Quora users

Over the years, the Southeast Asia region has drawn in tourists like magnets, offering a mesmerizing array of diversity and cultural richness and boasting numerous incredible sights to discover. With the global rebound in travel, Southeast Asian travelers are also gearing up for their own vacations exploring the Asia Pacific and beyond.

According to Traveloka, Southeast Asia has experienced a robust tourism recovery, with a notable increase in total flight bookings on the platform. Flight bookings grew by over 20% between January and May 2023, compared to the previous year.


are interested in travel


resolved to travel more in 2023


are planning to take a domestic vacation


of Quora users go on a domestic vacation at least once a year


of Quora users fly business class at least once a year


of Quora users go on short-haul vacation abroad at least once a year

Quora users are 83.1% more likely to purchase travel insurance online

Southeast Asia travel content views on Quora

Content views on travel conversations show an upward trend throughout the year. With travelers in the region planning their vacations and trips, travel content on Quora has been drawing views throughout the year. These discussions revolve around travel destinations, hidden locations, travel booking and honest reviews from avid travelers.

A recent Global Web Index survey found that a majority (61%) of Quora users in the region share a strong passion for travel. While the majority of users indulge in travel for leisure, business travel is also a significant factor. 75% of users explore local destinations for leisure, while 41% of users also go on domestic business trips at least once a year. International travel is also a big contributor, with 37% users flying abroad for their vacations. 

The survey also found that nature-centric travel plans are one of the themes that travelers in the region want to explore. 49% of Quora users expressed their interest in wildlife and nature and 53% say they are interested in outdoor activities like camping and hiking.

Top travel & tourism questions on Quora in Southeast Asia

Quora users are buzzing with excitement as they plan their holiday travel adventures. From researching dreamy destinations to creating detailed itineraries, they are seeking inspiration and advice from fellow travelers.

Get your brand’s message in front of 29 million Southeast Asian Quora users planning their next trip.


Australia & New Zealand Quora users

With global travel restrictions loosening, travelers in Australia and New Zealand are buzzing with excitement for upcoming plans. About 76% of Australians display a keen interest in visiting new places, according to a recent Neilsen study. Online bookings have seen growth in recent years, with a good portion of travel packages both domestic (34%) and international (29%) primarily booked online.

New Zealand, renowned for its picturesque landscapes and breathtaking countryside, also experienced a surge in travel bookings, both domestic and international. Deloitte reports that international visitor arrivals in New Zealand are projected to reach 4.9 million in 2023.


are interested in travel


are planning to take a domestic vacation


of Quora users go on a domestic vacation at least once a year


of Quora users go on short-haul vacation abroad at least once a year


of Quora users fly business class at least once a year

Quora users are 55.9% more likely to purchase travel insurance online

Australia & New Zealand travel content views on Quora

Travel content views grow through the year and peak towards the end. The resurgence in travel has sparked lively discussions on Quora, with users engaging in the evergreen travel-related topics. Users are coming to the platform to research destinations, plan their travel and read up on travel experiences, and honest reviews from fellow travelers.

Travel remains a hot topic among Quora users, with more than 51% stating their interest in travel in a recent Global Web Index survey. Many of them like to explore local destinations and attractions with a big majority of 73% users indulging in domestic travel at least once a year.

A significant portion of Quora users are heavy spenders when it comes to travel. 31% enjoy the comfort of flying business while 51% of them partake in short vacations abroad at least once a year. 

Top Travel & Tourism Questions on Quora in Australia & New Zealand

Travelers in Australia and New Zealand are actively engaging in travel conversations during this time of the year. They want to know about unexplored and must-see destinations in their region and abroad and are researching information to plan their trips.

Get your brand’s message in front of 12 million Quora users in Australia & New Zealand planning their next trip.


Your Travel Marketing Strategy on Quora

Promoting a travel destination must be done in a way that tells  an emotional story. We recommend breaking your marketing message down into three steps to build excitement over each touchpoint and guide the traveler towards a decision.

Showcase the beauty before the specifics

Traveling is an exciting time filled with wonder and heightened expectations. The best way to attract travelers to a specific destination is to appeal to their emotions and sense of wonder by highlighting a destination’s beauty and natural features. 

When it comes to travel, aesthetics are extremely important, so showcasing a destination’s beauty as the first touchpoint will help travelers visualize themselves being there.

Finalize your goals and chose the landing pages that you want to drive users to
Launch a Video Ad showcasing the beauty and attraction of your destination
Make sure your campaign pixel is implemented and working
Monitor all campaigns to optimize for success

Make it easy to find things to do

Once a traveler decides on a destination, they need to figure out what they’re going to do there, and how long they will stay. This is the touchpoint where information is often overwhelming and can result in travelers feeling uneasy about their decision.

As a travel marketer, your goal is to present the information in a way that is organized and easily accessible.

Retarget users who have visited your website with Image Ads and/or Text Ads
Make sure you have clear CTAs that compel people to take action
Have an additional 2-3 pieces of creatives ready to refresh your Image Ads
Brainstorm ad ideas and potential questions for a Promoted Answers campaign

Let others share their experiences

Transparency and validation are the final steps to successfully promoting a destination. Like any consumer, we often trust stories, recommendations, and reviews from real people—and this is no different for traveling.

Launch Promoted Answers campaigns written by travel influencers or industry experts 
Launch a testimonial Image Ads campaign featuring quotes from real travelers
Run any last minute promotions
Focus and scale your spend on the top performing campaigns

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