Auto Advertising on Quora
Quora Insights

Auto Market Trends & Quora Audience Insights

The global automotive market continues to be a massive industry. According to Statista, global car sales reached 67.2 million units in 2022, and passenger cars alone saw a production volume of 61.5 million. This activity demonstrates the scale of economic activity that the automotive sector supports globally. The future remains bright for automakers as personal transportation and commercial vehicle demand is expected to continue growing steadily in most major markets.

But how can we capitalize on this growing demand? Keep reading for a market overview, audience statistics, and how Quora Ads can get your message in front of the right visitors.

Global auto market statistics & trends

Over the recent years, the global automotive market has experienced significant changes and growth. This can be attributed to various factors, including advancements in technology, regulatory changes, and evolving supplier/consumer demands. 

After being impacted by the pandemic in 2020, the global automotive market has continued to recover and grow. According to Statista, worldwide car sales grew to around 67.2 million automobiles in 2022, up from around 66.7 million units in 2021–and sales are forecast to keep rising in 2023. In its entirety, the automotive manufacturing industry generated $2.86 trillion in revenue worldwide in 2021.

Auto Insights Graph


Automotive brand with the highest brand value worldwide

¥37.2 Trillion

Toyota’s revenue in 2022

10.5 Million

 Toyota’s motor vehicle sales in 2022

Auto advertising market – digital trends and examples

According to a forecast report by IndustryARC, the automotive online advertising market generated a value of $9321.44 million in 2019 and is estimated to reach $22925.89 million by 2025, growing at a CAGR of 16.2% during the forecast period of 2020-2025.

According to a report by IBM, much of the automotive customer journey happens before the customer ever enters a car dealership. This is especially true in a post-pandemic world, where 7 out of 10 consumers note that they’d rather shop digitally than go to a dealership. For automotive manufacturers, having an online footprint has always been important, but the shift caused by COVID-19, as well as consumers’ inclination to research before they buy, makes these touchpoints even more valuable.

The automotive industry employs strategic advertising methods to reach potential buyers at different stages of their vehicle ownership journey. Targeting those actively shopping allows brands to influence purchase decisions during this window of opportunity. Advertisers also focus on retaining existing drivers through campaigns aimed at keeping current clients engaged with the brand between purchases. Loyalty can provide long-term value in this market.

Where advertising once primarily conveyed technical details and specs through plain listings, it has increasingly adopted more creative storytelling techniques. Genuine narratives are used to cut through the noise and captivate audiences. *

Consumers in the automotive industry are becoming increasingly discerning in what they want from their vehicles. According to IndustryARC, consumers look for key features that range from comfort and spaciousness to heated seats and push-button starts. Dealers and manufacturers should focus their advertising efforts on content aimed at consumers that mirrors these desires, as well as the values of innovation that drives the increasing demand for green models and early tech adoption. This strategy can help dealers and manufacturers create more informed and effective targeting of potential customers.

As competition in the sector continues to intensify, automobile companies continue to recognize the need for fresh advertising perspectives. Continually refining promotional strategies will be key to maintaining relevance and resonance with consumers over time in this demanding business environment.

Auto Advertising Insights

Image generated using Poe.

Auto advertising creative best practices

When advertising to car buyers, it’s important to speak to the entire customer journey. Showcase your vehicles’ features and benefits to spark initial interest, but don’t stop there. Help consumers visualize owning the vehicle through compelling lifestyle imagery and use your ads to guide them toward taking the next step, whether that’s contacting a dealer, requesting a test drive, or clicking to build and price on your website. By understanding the full car shopping and ownership experience, automakers can create ads that inform, inspire and empower buyers at each phase of consideration and decision making.

Video ads best practices for the auto industry

Video ads have the power to immerse potential buyers in the product or automobile and evoke emotion. In addition to the image ads best practices above, the following tips will help you create engaging and impactful video ads.

Showcase the product

Highlight the vehicle’s design, technology, performance, and comfort. Include close-ups of the interior, infotainment system, cargo space, and any innovative features like driver-assist technologies. Use 360-degree views to give a comprehensive look, and consider using drone footage for dynamic exterior shots. 

Keep it concise

Be direct and get to the key selling points quickly. Feature the most attractive aspects of the vehicle, such as its horsepower, fuel efficiency, or safety ratings. Shorter clips can be effective for social media platforms, where they can serve as teasers that direct users to a detailed video or a landing page.

Tell a story

Craft a narrative that connects the vehicle to the buyer’s aspirations. For a family car, show scenes of family outings or the ease of carpooling. If it’s a luxury car, depict it in scenarios that reflect the sophistication and status it offers. Use storytelling to create an emotional connection, making the car more than just a product, but a key to the lifestyle the buyer desires.

Match the audio

The right soundtrack can make a vehicle seem exhilarating or luxurious. For sports cars, use high-energy music that matches the vehicle’s performance, while a family car might be paired with upbeat, friendly tunes. Ensure voiceovers are clear and add to the story, explaining features and benefits without overwhelming the visuals.

For more tips, read our video ads creative best practices.

Image ads best practices for the auto industry

When crafting image ads for the automotive industry, visual impact and brand identity take center stage. Follow these best practices to captivate your audience.

High-quality images

Professional images are non-negotiable in the automotive industry. They should capture the sleekness and detail of the car’s design. Use images that highlight the vehicle in motion or in different environments to demonstrate versatility. Make sure the lighting accentuates the car’s lines and curves.

Capture the essence

Focus on what sets the vehicle apart, whether it’s the iconic grille of a luxury brand or the spacious trunk of an SUV. Highlight technological advancements, such as electric powertrains or autonomous driving features, if they are key selling points.

Clear and concise messaging

Overlay text should be minimal and focused on the car’s key features, like “Zero to 60 in 3 seconds” or “Top Safety Pick.” Ensure the font is legible and the text placement does not cover crucial parts of the car.

Consistent branding

Your branding should be visible but not distract from the vehicle. Include a subtle logo and use brand colors as accents. The vehicle model and brand should be visible to reinforce brand identity.

Call-to-Action (CTA)

The CTA for an automotive ad should be clear, such as “Book a Test Drive,” “View Car Specs,” or “Get a Quote.” Make sure it stands out and guides the buyer to the next step in the purchasing journey.

Steps to a successful auto ad campaign

Drive into success with this step-by-step checklist.

Understand your target audience.

Know whether your target is families looking for safety and space, professionals seeking luxury, or individuals wanting an eco-friendly electric vehicle. Customize messaging to address their specific needs and interests.

Define your advertising goals.

Your goals might include launching a new model, increasing market share in a certain segment, or boosting end-of-year sales. Ensure your video and image ads reflect these goals.

Establish your budget.

Automotive ads can be more costly due to the need for higher production values. Balance between different channels and ad formats, and track ROI to ensure the budget is well-spent.

Develop compelling creatives and copy.

The creative should reflect the quality of the vehicle. Copy should emphasize performance specs, innovation, and the intangible appeal of the brand. Use language that resonates with your target demographic’s aspirations and lifestyle preferences.

Test and iterate.

With the automotive industry being highly visual and experiential, try a mix of video formats such as cinematic storytelling, customer testimonials, or feature-focused explainers. For images, test various angles and settings—like a car atop a scenic overlook versus in a bustling city. Vary headlines to emphasize different aspects, like luxury, efficiency, or performance, and experiment with CTAs that range from “Configure Your Own” to “Book a Test Drive Today.”

Utilize A/B testing.

Implement A/B testing by showing two variants of an ad to similar audiences and analyzing which performs better. For instance, test whether action-oriented CTAs (“Get a Quote”) outperform more informative ones (“Learn More”). You can also test the impact of different car models, color options, and promotional offers on viewer engagement and conversion rates.

Test and iterate.

With the automotive industry being highly visual and experiential, try a mix of video formats such as cinematic storytelling, customer testimonials, or feature-focused explainers. For images, test various angles and settings—like a car atop a scenic overlook versus in a bustling city. Vary headlines to emphasize different aspects, like luxury, efficiency, or performance, and experiment with CTAs that range from “Configure Your Own” to “Book a Test Drive Today.”

Monitor and optimize performance.

Regularly track the performance of your auto advertising campaigns. Analyze metrics such as click-through rates, conversion rates, and return on investment (ROI). Make data-driven adjustments to optimize your campaigns for better results.

Continuously refine your strategy.

Stay updated with the latest industry trends and changes in consumer behavior. Learn from the successes and failures of your past campaigns to refine your future advertising strategies. Also, monitor competitor strategies and market conditions to stay competitive.

Remember, advertising success requires an iterative approach, so don’t be afraid to experiment and adapt your tactics based on the insights you gain along the way.


The Bridgestone Group

The Bridgestone Group became the first tire brand to synergize Promoted Answers & Business Profiles.

The Bridgestone Group is the world’s largest manufacturer of tire and other rubber products such as industrial materials and sporting goods. Utilizing Quora, Bridgestone’s Promoted Answers campaign achieved CTRs 3x higher than average in addition to 8M+ content views and 17k+ upvotes. Their image ads’ CTRs were also 1.5x higher than platform benchmarks.


Auto advertising on Quora 

Automotive marketing practices have undergone substantial changes in recent years to align with modern consumer behaviors and expectations. Where dealerships once held prime real estate as the central hubs for vehicle research and sales discussions, now most shoppers conduct the bulk of their exploration independently online from start to nearly finish.

With prospective buyers making their choice well before stepping foot on a lot, if at all, automakers must strategize their digital platforms and messaging just as intently. Every facet of the online journey carries influence. Websites, social networks, and targeted ads now have immense importance in either capturing or losing a customer early on in their decision process.

Challenges have also emerged around data privacy and identification as consumers tighten control over personal information shared across websites. When marketing in a cookieless future, where cross-site tracking grows elusive, manufacturers must find organic ways to understand audiences at a granular level and ensure brand interactions build toward the intended actions. Automakers can reach a highly engaged audience that’s actively researching cars and car-related purchases, such as insurance, aftermarket parts, and services, on Quora.

Quora users look to the platform as a source of reliable information and expertise. They ask questions on a range of automotive topics like makes, purchasing, driving, and care. Auto marketers can pinpoint their target audiences within Quora’s niche communities and conversations, ensuring their messages are delivered in contextually relevant environments and increasing the likelihood of meaningful engagement.

Popular auto questions on Quora 

Get your brand’s message in front of over 400 million monthly unique visitors on Quora.


Quora’s auto audience statistics

The Quora community has a proven interest in the automotive industry, with 3.1 million users following the auto topic alone. More than 2.9 million questions have been asked about the automotive industry, and these queries have garnered over 10 million responses from Quora members. These numbers clearly indicate that Quora serves as an interactive and educational platform for exploring various aspects of the automotive world, including car maintenance, industry trends, technological advancements, and more. By participating in these discussions, users can enhance their knowledge and understanding of automobiles, empowering them to make informed decisions and improve their automotive expertise.


The Quora user base presents a highly engaged audience for automotive brands. With the vast majority of US Quora users (88.6%) owning at least one car, the platform houses a community of drivers and vehicle enthusiasts. 

Gasoline-powered cars remain dominant among this group, powered by over three-quarters of US Quora users (75.2%). However, electric vehicles may see rising interest as Quora users demonstrate a significantly higher likelihood (121.7%) to purchase electric-powered scooters online. This points to openness within the user base toward adopting new electric transportation options.

Perhaps most importantly for automotive marketers, cars and vehicles represent a favorite discussion topic for many on Quora. Users are over 70% more inclined (71.3%) to talk about automobiles online compared to average internet users–a strong signal that Quora fuels conversations surrounding the industry.

With approximately 6 in 10 Quora members (59.4%) regularly taking to the roads behind the wheel, the site hosts a treasure trove of engaged auto shoppers primed to consider new makes and models. Reaching these digitally-savvy drivers and capturing their attention represents a powerful opportunity for automotive brands wanting to influence purchase decisions among a highly-targeted online audience.

Top auto questions on Quora in the US

Conversations among users interested in the auto industry range from cars to service advice.

Get your brand’s message in front of 147 million monthly unique visitors on Quora in the US.



The automotive industry has a prime opportunity to engage European car buyers and owners on Quora.  A majority (82.4%) of European Quora users own at least one car, showing just how relevant the automotive industry is to the Quora audience. European Quora users are invested in the online experience and doing their research, being that they are 131.6% more likely to have purchased a car/automobile online.

Likewise, European Quora users are also conscious about the environment and the future, and are significantly more inclined to adopt electric vehicles, with users being 105.7%more likely to be driving electric cars already. Support for alternative transportation is even stronger, with European Quora users nearly 150% more likely to purchase electric-powered scooters online (149.4%). Their openness to eco-friendly options shows automakers where consumer preferences are heading.

Quora also houses a pool of research-led buyers. Users are over 100% more apt to have purchased a car entirely online in the past. With eight in ten owning at least one vehicle, most Quora members will be primed for another purchase in the future.

Importantly, discussions around automobiles thrive on Quora for European audiences. Members are almost 130% more likely (126.9%) to talk about cars on the site. This presents automotive brands a unique opportunity to be a part of influential conversations and shape consideration among a community that does substantial automotive research online. Quora hosts a prime target market receptive to new greener vehicle technologies and comfortable purchasing big-ticket items digitally.

Popular auto questions on Quora in Europe

The auto community on Quora in Europe  is active and teeming with lively discussions about a variety of topics ranging from car care and insurance.

Get your brand’s message in front of 48 million monthly unique visitors on Quora in Europe & the UK.




The Indian automotive industry has a prime opportunity to connect with in-market consumers and eco-conscious buyers on Quora. Motorcycles and cars are ubiquitous in the region, with more than 8 in 10 users (82.6%) own at least one motorcycle and over half (62.4%) own a car. Even more compelling is that over half of Quora users (53.5%) in India are actively planning upcoming purchases of a car or motorcycle. This presents a unique window for brands to influence consideration during the critical research phase. 

Loyalty also holds strong sway over this audience, with over two-thirds of Quora users in India (64.4%) saying they will pay more for a familiar brand they trust. Sustained engagement on Quora allows automakers to cultivate that brand awareness and preference.

Additionally, environmental sustainability represents a growing priority for Indian consumers. Over half of Quora users in India (56%) cite adopting electric or hybrid vehicles as an impactful way to reduce their carbon footprint. This opens the door for innovative brands to tap into rising interest and educate the market on new green offerings.

With a community primed for their next auto purchases and embracing cleantech solutions, Quora connects automotive marketers with a highly relevant, in-market group of early electric vehicle adopters and loyal brand buyers. The platform delivers the quality engagement needed to drive real business impact in this important growth market.

Popular auto questions on Quora in India

Proactively engaging with users will allow businesses to showcase their products or services as solutions to the auto-related queries and concerns of the Quora community in India. 

These are the kind of questions that are popular in finance topics on Quora.

Get your brand’s message in front of 100 million monthly unique visitors on Quora in India.


Southeast Asia

The rapid growth of e-commerce in Southeast Asia creates unique opportunities for automotive brands to engage digitally-savvy car buyers on Quora. Southeast Asian Quora users are 51% more likely to purchase electric-powered scooters online–and likewise (55.6%) with cars/automobiles–compared to average internet users in the region.

This presents a pivotal chance for brands to influence major purchase decisions at the research stage. With the majority of Quora users in Southeast Asia (83.3%) already owning a motorcycle and over half owning a car (58.4%), most members will be primed for their next vehicle in the near future. Quora users in Southeast Asia are a particularly transportation-centric group. This affirms the platform’s power to connect automotive marketers with a highly relevant audience that relies heavily on personal vehicles each day.

As e-commerce continues expanding across Southeast Asia, Quora positions brands ahead of the curve to reach consumers increasingly comfortable buying high-ticket items online. Its unique insights provide automakers critical visibility into the preferences of this digitally-driven and growing vehicle marketplace.

Quora’s tailored targeting and engaged users make for a highly impactful channel to connect with in-market buyers primed for their next purchase across Malaysia, Indonesia, and beyond.

Popular auto questions on Quora in Southeast Asia

Conversations on Quora offer businesses an opportunity to engage directly with consumers through insightful responses to their queries. Here are a few select questions in the auto community on Quora.

Get your brand’s message in front of 29 million monthly unique visitors on Quora in Southeast Asia.


Australia & New Zealand

The automotive industry in Australia and New Zealand has a prime opportunity to reach environmentally-conscious buyers and research-led consumers on Quora. The majority of Quora users in Australia and New Zealand (88.8%) own at least one car, and they are 58.7% more likely to drive electric vehicles. These statistics present a population that is already invested in the automotive industry, and additionally a sizable population of early EV adopters primed for the latest electric models and innovations. 

Interest in alternative transport is even higher, with Australia and New Zealand Quora users nearly 110% more inclined (109.2%) to purchase electric scooters online. This significant technology adoption signals the direction of future automotive preferences.

Meanwhile, nearly 9 in 10 of Quora users in Australia and New Zealand (88.8%) own at least one car already. Additionally, these individuals are close to 70% more likely to purchase automobiles entirely online (66.8%)–underscoring their comfort with digital journeys.

Still, 73.7% of Quora users in Australia and New Zealand still rely on gasoline power. Brands have a window to connect with this large gas-fuelled user base too, whether for cars, care or other automotive products. And as conversations continue to grow and change organically, Quora offers valuable insights into where the market is heading.

With an audience actively researching big-ticket items online, Quora surfaces a prime target for influence throughout their decision process. Its premium, engaged environment connects brands directly with these digitally-led consumers central to Australia and NZ’s automotive future.

Popular auto questions on Quora in Australia and New Zealand

By offering expert insights and tailored solutions to consumer queries, businesses can establish credibility and resonance, positioning themselves for success. Here are some of the top questions from Australia and New Zealand’s populace who cares about auto.

Get your brand’s message in front of 12 million monthly unique visitors on Quora in Australia & New Zealand


Middle East

The Middle East is a strong market for automotive brands. With 84.6% of Quora users in the region owning at least one car, there is significant potential to reach consumers who are actively participating in the automotive landscape. Most users currently rely on gasoline vehicles, with 74.7% reporting they drive a petrol-powered car. However, with rising incomes and evolving environmental concerns, electric vehicles and other alternative fuel options represent an opportunity for forward-thinking brands.

Driving remains a central part of everyday life for many in the Middle East. Over half of Quora users (53%) say they regularly drive, while more than two in five (41.4%) self-report an interest in cars and motoring. This engaged automotive audience is primed to consider their next vehicle purchase or learn about new models and technologies. By advertising on Quora, brands can introduce themselves and their offerings to consumers actively researching their motoring options.

High incomes are also enabling consumer choice in the region, with 40.2% of Middle Eastern Quora users describing themselves as high earners. As discretionary budgets increase, brands have an opportunity to position themselves as aspirational and attainable. Quora provides a platform for educating and inspiring this financially empowered demographic as they evaluate premium vehicles and driving experiences.

With automobile ownership widespread and motoring a central lifestyle factor, the Middle East presents a major market for automotive companies. By engaging Quora users with relevant, informative ads, brands can introduce themselves to consumers already interested in cars and well-positioned to purchase new vehicles. The insight and context provided by users on Quora helps buyers with their decision journey from initial research to final selection.

Popular auto questions on Quora in the Middle East

By offering expert insights and tailored solutions to consumer queries, businesses can establish credibility and resonance, positioning themselves for success. Here are some of the top questions from the Middle East’s auto enthusiasts.

Get your brand’s message in front of 10 million monthly unique visitors on Quora in the Middle East


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