Quora Insights

Summer Marketing Trends & Quora Audience Insights

As summer rolls in across North America and Europe, it presents a golden opportunity to connect with a highly motivated audience seeking both work and leisure. The season has historically shown a surge in interest across Quora topics including B2B, SaaS, Education, Outdoor Activities & Sports, and Home & Garden.

Summer can be a particularly advantageous time to run marketing campaigns on Quora for several reasons. Firstly, summer is a time when many people are planning vacations, attending outdoor events, and looking for new activities to try. This presents a great opportunity for businesses to promote their products or services that are relevant to the summer season. For example, a travel agency could advertise discounted vacation packages, or a fitness brand could promote their outdoor workout gear.

Secondly, summer is a time when students are out of school and may have more free time to engage with content online. This gives businesses an opportunity to reach a younger demographic who may be more active on Quora during the summer months. Finally, summer is also a time when many people are more active on social media and other online platforms, which can help increase the reach and engagement of your Quora marketing campaigns.


Summer marketing on Quora in North America

In North America, summer is a particularly popular time for outdoor activities and travel, making it an excellent opportunity for businesses to promote products or services that are relevant to the season. Additionally, with many people taking time off work or school, they may have more free time to engage with content on Quora.

The season is not exclusive to leisure activities, however—it’s a prime time for businesses researching solutions during the slower summer months. The summer months present a great opportunity for businesses to create and share informative, engaging content that can help establish their brand as an authority in their industry. As a result, running summer marketing campaigns on Quora can be a smart way to increase brand awareness and drive engagement with potential customers during a time when they are more likely to be looking for new products or services to try.

Discover the latest trends and interests in North America with our data-backed insights. Here’s a breakdown of some of the popular topics Quora users engage with during the summer months.

Popular topics on Quora in North America during the summer

Historically, the summer season has brought a surge in interest across a variety of Quora topics including Outdoor Activities & Sports, Home & Garden, B2B, SaaS, and Education.

Popular Outdoor Activities & Sport topics on Quora in North America during the summer

The following outdoor activities and sports topics on Quora saw an increase in questions during the summer last year:

  • Running Shoes: +88.76%
  • Tennis: +82.38%
  • Backpacking (travel): +62.93%
  • Camping: +51.35%
  • Swimming: +30.75%
  • Cycling: +20.49%

The significant increase in interest in backpacking, camping, and tennis suggests a strong desire for outdoor activities and sports. As the weather gets warmer, people come to Quora to research recreational pursuits and information about popular destinations and adventurous experiences.

Popular Outdoor Activities & Sports questions on Quora in North America


Popular Home & Gardening topics on Quora in North America during the summer

The following home and gardening topics on Quora saw an increase in questions during the summer last year:

  • Gardens: +37.01%
  • Vegetable Gardening: +33.62%
  • Trees (plant): +24.21%
  • Gardening: +18.19%
  • Indoor Gardening: +16.79%

The surge in home and garden-related topics indicates a growing interest in gardening, tree planting, and maintaining indoor gardens. People are seeking information and advice on how to enhance their living spaces and engage in sustainable practices. In fact, a Global Web Index survey from last summer reported that 35% of Quora users from North America are interested in gardening.

Popular Home & Gardening questions on Quora in North America

Popular B2B topics on Quora in North America during the summer

The summer isn’t just about leisure. The following B2B topics on Quora saw an increase in questions during the summer last year:

  • Content Strategy: +725.69%
  • Management Consulting: +158.44%
  • Small Business Marketing: +42.48%
  • Human Resources: +27.45%
  • Brand Strategy: +22.86%
  • Startups: +24.09%

The growth in B2B topics during the summer highlights the growing interest and demand for expertise, as well as possibly that working professionals have more time to research solutions and trainings during slower summer months. Even amid seasonal downturns, businesses are still actively seeking strategies and insights to optimize their operations and resources.

Popular B2B questions on Quora in North America

Popular SaaS topics on Quora in North America during the summer

The following SaaS topics on Quora saw an increase in questions during the summer last year:

  • Internet Security: +206.61%
  • Web Development: +54.73%
  • Data Storage: +22.55%
  • Email Marketing: +18.04%
  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM): +14.84%

The increases in questions on these topics demonstrate a strong focus on digital security, web-based technologies, and data analytics within the SaaS industry. During slower months, businesses are prioritizing improvements in these areas to protect their online assets and expand their digital footprint.

Popular SaaS questions on Quora in North America

Popular Education topics on Quora in North America during the summer

The following Education topics on Quora saw an increase in questions during the summer last year:

  • Medical School: +93.12%
  • Doctor of Philosophy Degrees: +83.88%
  • College and Universities: +64.37%
  • Bachelor of Technology Degrees: +60.22%
  • College and University Admissions: +64.37%

During the summer months, students have more time to research academic pursuits and professional development programs. Individuals come to Quora seeking guidance and information to excel in their studies and advance in their careers.

Popular Education questions on Quora in North America

Get your brand’s message in front of over 155 million US and Canadian Quora users.



Summer marketing on Quora in Europe

Picture this: As the weather gets balmy, there are people putting on their hats (and thinking hats), actively figuring out what to do both in terms of work and leisure. Especially in Europe, June to August is the perfect time to capture the audience who are dabbling in work and play. We’re not just saying this, our data is telling us. Historically, this is the time online businesses see a spike across a multitude of sectors: B2B, SaaS, Education, Outdoor Activities & Sports, and Home & Garden.

Discover the power of summer advertising in Europe and unlock untapped growth opportunities for your business. With 91% of the European Union (EU) population connected to the Internet (Statista), and wielding an average per capita purchasing power of EUR 15,055, according to Growth from Knowledge, you can’t afford to miss out on reaching your target audience in the simplest and quickest way possible. By leveraging platforms like Quora that resonate with these audiences, you can notice instant spikes in your sales at the touch of a button.

Summertime in Europe is not just about leisure—it’s a prime opportunity for businesses to tap into potential high-intent customers. With people out and about, actively seeking things to do and places to visit, it’s the perfect moment to get your brand noticed. By targeting this motivated audience, you can make a big splash in the market and enjoy increased business throughout the summer months.

So, who are these high-intent audiences on Quora?

They are decision-makers and professionals from various industries who are on a mission to find solutions that will optimize their operations and drive growth; a tech company that’s hunting for a scalable SaaS solution to streamline their processes and boost productivity or a marketing agency seeking innovative EdTech tools to supercharge their employee training programs.

These businesses are fired up to invest in B2B, SaaS, and EdTech solutions that can give them a competitive edge and help them achieve their goals. Other sectors that also see a significant rise in engagement on Quora during summertime are Home & Garden, and Outdoor Activities & Sports.

Popular topics on Quora in Europe during the summer

Here’s a break-down of some of the topics users engage with the most on Quora during Summer months:

Popular Home & Gardening topics on Quora in Europe during the summer

The following home and gardening topics on Quora saw an increase in questions during the summer last year:

  • Gardens: +37.01%
  • Vegetable Gardening: +33.62%
  • Trees (plant): +24.21%
  • Gardening: +18.19%
  • Urban Gardening: +17.22%

On Quora, the summer season sees a significant increase in engagement around Home & Garden topics with nearly a third (32.9%) of the platform’s users reporting an interest in gardening, according to a Global Web Index survey from last summer. Users are actively seeking advice and insights on gardening, from creating and maintaining gardens to vegetable gardening tips. The interest in planting trees and urban gardening also experiences a surge, indicating a growing enthusiasm for greener living spaces.

Popular Home & Gardening questions on Quora in Europe


Popular Outdoor Activities & Sport topics on Quora in Europe during the summer

The following outdoor activities and sports topics on Quora saw an increase in questions during the summer last year:

  • Cricket (sport): +139.30%
  • Tennis: +82.38%
  • Mountaineering: +78.67%
  • Backpacking (travel): +62.93%
  • Camping: +51.35%

Quora becomes a hub during the summer months when it comes to conversations about outdoor activities and sports. A Global Web Index survey from last summer revealed that 38.1% of Quora users are interested in outdoor activities like camping and hiking. 53% are interested in travel and 46.6% were planning to go on a vacation during the summer survey. Delving into the type of vacations respondents enjoyed, the survey reported that:

  • 57.9% of Quora users enjoy vacations at a beach or resort
  • 41.9% of Quora users enjoy road trips
  • 35.2% of Quora users enjoy staycations

Users flock to the platform, seeking information about popular sports like tennis, as well as adventurous pursuits like mountaineering, backpacking, and camping. Marketers in this sector can take advantage of the high intent and engagement of users on Quora during this time.

Popular Outdoor Activities & Sports questions on Quora in Europe

Popular B2B topics on Quora in Europe during the summer

The summer isn’t just about leisure. The following B2B topics on Quora saw an increase in questions during the summer last year:

  • Content Strategy: +725.69%
  • Management Consulting: +158.44%
  • Small Business Marketing: +42.48%
  • Human Resources: +27.45%
  • Brand Strategy: +22.86%
  • Startups: +24.09%

Entrepreneurs, managers, and industry leaders make Quora a premier destination for decision makers and a way to engage with their target audience as a part of their personal branding journey.

Popular B2B questions on Quora in Europe

Popular SaaS topics on Quora in Europe during the summer

The following SaaS topics on Quora saw an increase in questions during the summer last year:

  • Internet Security: +206.61%
  • Computer Security: +77.26%
  • Web Development: +54.73%
  • Database Systems: +20.60%
  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM): +14.84%

Quora becomes a hotspot for SaaS-related discussions during the summer season. Users are actively seeking answers and insights on Internet security, computer security, web development, social media marketing, and database systems. By leveraging Quora’s engaged audience, SaaS marketers can establish themselves as trusted experts and showcase the value of their solutions in addressing these high-demand topics.

Popular SaaS questions on Quora in Europe

Popular Education topics on Quora in Europe during the summer

The following Education topics on Quora saw an increase in questions during the summer last year:

  • Medical School: +93.12%
  • Graduate School Education: +75.91%
  • College and Universities: +64.37%
  • Bachelor of Technology Degrees: +60.22%
  • Exams and Tests: +53.16%

On Quora, the summer months witness a surge in engagement around educational topics, particularly about college admissions and graduate courses. Users seek information about medical school, graduate school education, college and university admissions, bachelor of technology degrees, and exams and tests. By targeting this high-intent audience, education marketers can position their solutions as invaluable resources for educational pursuits and career advancement.

Popular Education questions on Quora in Europe

Get your brand’s message in front of over 45 million European & UK Quora users.



Tips and strategies for your summer Quora Ad campaigns

Setting up a summer advertising on Quora campaign is an effective way to target a high-intent audience with relevant and valuable content. By placing your ads in front of millions of Quora users, you can increase brand awareness, drive traffic to your website, and generate leads.

The best part? Quora offers a variety of advertising options, so you can choose the format that best suits your business goals. Whether it’s image or text-based ads, or Promoted Answers, Quora has you covered.

Track performance of your Quora Ads

Tracking performance is essential for optimizing your ad campaigns and ensuring that you’re getting the most out of your advertising spend. Luckily, Quora provides several tools for tracking your ad performance, including Ads Manager dashboard, which offers insights into metrics such as impressions, clicks, conversions, and cost per conversion. By regularly monitoring your ad performance, you can make informed decisions about how best to allocate your budget and adjust your targeting and ad creative for maximum impact.

Amazon Global Selling increasing awareness with the help of Promoted Answers:
Read the full Amazon Global Selling success story.

Best Practices your summer Quora Ad campaigns

To optimize your Quora Ads for maximum impact, it’s essential to adhere to some best practices. The following strategies can help you get the most out of your advertising efforts on Quora:

Visual Appeal

Create visually appealing ads with eye-catching images, videos, and captivating headlines to grab users’ attention.

Audience Targeting

Identify your audience by focusing on specific interests and demographics that align with your product or service.

A/B Testing

Regularly test and refine your ads, experimenting with different ad formats, headlines, and visuals to identify the best-performing combinations.

Conversion Tracking

Implement the Quora Pixel to measure the performance of your conversion events and gather valuable data on user behavior.

Data-Driven Decisions

Continuously analyze your results and use the insights to make informed decisions on improving and adjusting your Quora Ads strategy.

By employing these best practices, you can enhance your chances of success, ensuring a higher return on investment for your Quora Ads campaigns.


Quora summer campaign success stories

Here are some brands that have found success with Quora.

“Not only are we an early stage company, but we’re trying to build a new product category and there’s not a lot of education around this new alternative financing option. For us, we often have to provide people with some more information and education before they feel comfortable converting on our site and entering our funnel. That’s why I think it’s a good match with Quora.”
Rachel Keohan

Head of Marketing, Hometap

“Quora is a high intent destination where people are looking for solutions to specific problems, that’s why advertising on Quora is a natural fit for us. We’re confident that people who see our ads on Quora are actively shopping for a great team solution, and it’s a chance for us to leverage that moment and discuss the power of Asana’s work tracking software.”
Shaman Kothari

Head of User Acquisition, Asana

“Not only are we an early stage company, but we’re trying to build a new product category and there’s not a lot of education around this new alternative financing option. For us, we often have to provide people with some more information and education before they feel comfortable converting on our site and entering our funnel. That’s why I think it’s a good match with Quora.”
Manu Agrawal

Co-founder, Tutort Academy

Make Quora Ads a part of your summer marketing strategy

Don’t let the summer sun distract you! Take advantage of the tremendous opportunities that lie ahead. Be present where your customers are and keep your eyes open for their questions and problems and tell them how you can help with your products and services.

With Quora Ads, businesses can tap into a high-intent audience and get their message in front of the right people and in a detailed, targeted manner. Whether you’re looking to increase brand awareness or drive conversions, Quora Ads offer a range of targeting options that can help you reach your goals.

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