AI Market Trends & Quora Audience Insights
Quora Insights

AI Market Trends & Quora Audience Insights

AI Market Trends & Quora Audience Insights

Artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as one of the biggest disruptors of the last decade, with new products and tech updates appearing almost daily since OpenAI’s public launch of ChatGPT in November, 2022. Despite the high volume of industry announcements, only a little over half (54%) of AI models make it from the pilot to the production stage, per a 2023 Gartner survey. For the ones that achieve launch status, fierce competition and the industry’s high velocity make it imperative to position a well-differentiated product in front of the right audience. Quora provides an excellent avenue to market AI products and services to a community actively researching the industry.

In this article, we will explore how AI companies can leverage Quora advertising to reach the right audience without breaking the bank.

Global AI market stats & trends

The global AI market has been experiencing exponential growth, with significant advancements and widespread adoption across nearly every industry. Statista estimates the global AI market size will surpass $305 billion in 2024, and continue to grow at an annual rate of 15.83% to reach $738.8 billion by 2030. This surge is attributed to the increasing integration of AI technologies across multiple sectors including healthcare, automotive, and finance.

In the healthcare sector, AI has revolutionized patient care and research, including applications in drug discovery, medical imaging, and diagnostics. MarketsandMarkets valued AI in healthcare at $14.6 billion in 2023, with growth expected to reach $102.7 billion by 2028 thanks to the availability of large, complex datasets.

The automotive industry is another significant contributor to AI market growth. With the advent of autonomous vehicles and advanced driver-assistance systems (ADAS), the AI in automotive market is forecasted to reach $16.2 billion by 2026, growing at a CAGR of over 30% from 2021 to 2026, according to a report by Mordor Intelligence.

In the finance world, AI has been pivotal in transforming operations and customer service. Insider Intelligence estimates banks globally saved $447 billion in 2023, largely due to AI-enabled efficiency improvements.

Furthermore, the rise of AI startups and their funding activities have significantly contributed to market dynamics. According to Startup Story Media, AI startups globally raised over $73.4 billion in venture capital (VC) funding in 2023—the second-highest year for AI fundraising after a ground-breaking $78.5 billion in 2021. This continued interest from VCs despite the investment slowdown and high inflation of the last year signals strong interest and confidence in AI technologies.

These statistics reflect not only the current impact of AI across various sectors but also underscore its potential to drive future growth and innovation. The AI market is poised for continued expansion, with increasing investments and technological breakthroughs shaping its trajectory.

AI Market Trends

Image generated using Poe.

AI advertising market outlook

The AI advertising market is experiencing a remarkable surge, reflecting the broader trends in AI integration across industries. According to a report by MarketsandMarkets, the global AI in advertising market size is projected to grow from $15.84 billion in 2021 to $40.09 billion by 2026, at a CAGR of 20.4% during the forecast period. This growth is primarily driven by the increasing demand for AI-powered advertising solutions that enable more personalized, efficient, and data-driven marketing strategies.

The use of AI in programmatic advertising, which automates the decision-making process for ad placements using AI algorithms, is particularly noteworthy. In 2021, programmatic advertising accounted for a significant portion of digital ad spending, with eMarketer estimating that 86.5% of digital display ads in the US were transacted programmatically.

Additionally, AI’s role in enhancing customer experience and engagement through personalized content and targeted advertising is proving to be a major growth factor. As businesses continue to seek more effective ways to reach their audiences in an increasingly digital world, the AI advertising market is expected to maintain its upward trajectory, further revolutionizing the advertising landscape with innovative, AI-driven solutions.

Why advertise your AI product on Quora?

Over 400 million unique visitors come to Quora every month seeking answers. Advertisers can find their target audience on the platform and connect with them directly by providing helpful responses and positioning themselves as leaders in the AI space. Quora’s question-and-answer format encourages in-depth discussions on a myriad of subjects, including AI, fostering an environment where knowledgeable insights are both sought after and valued.

AI companies can find considerable success in advertising on Quora due to the platform’s inherently curious and tech-savvy user base. In fact, nearly two-thirds (63%) of Quora users are excited about AI. Moreover, the platform has been integrating answers content from its AI chat app Poe, which has acclimated Quora users to engaging with AI-driven material. Advertising on Quora allows AI companies to target an audience that is not only enthusiastic about AI innovations but also receptive to AI-generated content.


say their companies use AI


rely on AI platforms and chatbots for information


use AI tools for work daily

Try Poe

Try Poe, Quora’s AI Chat App

Poe is Quora’s platform that lets people ask questions, get instant answers, and have back-and-forth conversations with a wide-variety of AI-powered bots. Engage with a range of sophisticated AI models such as ChatGPT, GPT-4, Claude 2, and a millions of user-generated bots, unlocking a world of endless possibilities.

Explore what’s possible with AI, learn new skills, build the next generation of AI powered products, and incorporate AI into your daily life with Poe.

Beyond work, Quora users also exhibit a strong interest in AI-generated media like:


Art / photography




Comedy videos


TV or film




Video games



Popular AI topics on Quora

Artificial Intelligence


Machine Learning


Deep Learning


Natural Language Processing


Artificial Neural Networks


Ad formats for AI advertisers on Quora

Get to know Quora’s advertising offerings that can help your business grow its reach and boost conversions.

Promoted Answers

Promoted Answers are a unique way to connect with your audience. This format allows you to directly respond to questions posted by Quora users. This engagement not only answers their queries but also showcases your expertise in the AI field. By tailoring your responses to highlight your AI products or services, you can pique the interest of potential customers. Promoted Answers can be a valuable tool for building trust and credibility while reaching a highly engaged audience.

Video Ads

Video is a powerful medium in the world of advertising. Quora’s Video Ads allow you to create immersive and engaging content to captivate your audience. You can showcase your AI solutions, provide demonstrations, and share success stories through video content. This format is an excellent way to convey complex AI concepts in a visually appealing and easily digestible manner. Video Ads on Quora offer a fantastic opportunity to capture the attention of users who prefer consuming information through video.

Image Ads

Visual content is a key component of successful advertising, and Image Ads on Quora enable you to harness the power of compelling visuals. You can use images to highlight your AI products, demonstrate their features, or create visually appealing advertisements that draw users’ attention. With Image Ads, you can craft eye-catching visuals that convey your AI company’s message and values, making it easier to attract and engage potential customers.

AI advertising use cases on Quora

Below are some marketing strategies AI product and service providers can adopt to get in front of the right audience on Quora.

Reaching enterprises adopting AI solutions

Across diverse sectors like retail, healthcare, financial services, agriculture and more, companies are ramping up investments in AI technology. However, for many large enterprises and SMBs, the road to successfully integrating AI into their business and achieving real ROI is still filled with pitfalls like data complexities, internal skill gaps, unclear cost-benefit trade-offs, and general organizational inertia or change management challenges that slow down adoption.

This presents a major opportunity for AI solution vendors to step in as trusted advisors guiding prospective business customers through the AI modernization journey. So how can your AI company attract, assist, and build relationships with such enterprise audiences on Quora?

Monitor relevant queries.

You can closely monitor questions posted by heads of operations, CTOs, IT managers, and other decision-makers that can provide you with an opportunity to provide tailored solutions for that industry.

Share success stories.

Promote client testimonials and success stories via different Ad formats. For example, an AI customer support chatbot provider can produce a video ad with a case study testimonial from a retailer depicting how using their AI solution led to lower customer complaint rates. Such social proof can build trust.

Generate meaningful interactions.

Craft targeted responses with Promoted Answers addressing specific industry pain points all the while creating a compelling narrative that resonates with decision-makers. By harnessing this feature, you can ensure that your tailored content stands out, driving meaningful interactions and building credibility among Quora’s user base.

Making AI relatable and exciting for students

Students represent a major demographic that is increasingly leveraging interactive AI technologies to enhance their overall education experience both within and outside classrooms – be it for personalized learning, skills development, test preparation, academic assistance, and more.

This skyrocketing appetite among students for AI-enabled learning provides tremendous business potential. But how can AI companies offering educational solutions organically connect with, attract, and build loyalty among student audiences on Quora?

Engage in authentic Q&A.

Actively participate in relevant student-focused Quora threads, addressing queries related to AI in education. By engaging directly with students through this interactive format, AI companies can provide valuable insights, and position themselves as knowledgeable partners in the student learning journey.

Share student testimonials.

Promote first-person student testimonials via Quora image ads highlighting how using AI-powered EdTech products helped improve their learning experience, boosted academic performance, or enhanced classroom engagement. Such authentic stories build trust.

Create beginner-friendly tutorials.

Create beginner-friendly tutorials with Quora video ads using engaging graphics to clearly explain how technologies like chatbots, predictive analytics, etc. make modern education highly personalized, interactive, and immersive. This establishes domain expertise.

Tailoring AI solutions for diverse work fields

Professionals across diverse occupations like doctors, lawyers, marketers, designers, engineers, journalists, and more are seeking to proactively integrate AI technologies like machine learning, computer vision, NLP, etc. into their workflows. But they seek specialized AI solutions tailored to their own specific work needs and contexts, not generic one-size-fits-all tools.

Some effective tactics for AI companies to engage professionals on Quora include:

Participate in industry discussions.

Actively participate in discussions within niche professional communities to identify recurring pain points and create tailored content to address those. This demonstrates genuine empathy.

Host Q&A sessions.

Host Quora Spaces Q&A sessions where specialists from industries like healthcare, architecture, agribusiness, law, etc. can directly interact with solution providers from AI vendors and get advice tailored to their niche.

Publish thought leadership content.

AI companies can create and promote thought leadership articles or content pieces through Promoted Answers by Quora that address specific challenges and solutions in AI relevant to professionals in their respective fields. These articles can provide valuable insights and showcase the company’s expertise.

Engaging the tech-savvy crowd

Quora sees many detailed questions from gamers, software developers, data scientists, and hobbyists. In response to such queries, AI startups and service providers can create in-depth tutorials, code snippets, case-study-rich guides, and how-to analyses that provide genuine utility to developers while demonstrating their hands-on expertise in nurturing such projects from prototype to production.

Some other ways for AI companies to attract technology enthusiasts on Quora include:

Promoted Answers for in-depth insights.

Respond to complex questions with detailed explanations about AI’s role in technology or the intricacies of algorithm ethics. By offering in-depth knowledge, you can position your company as an authority in the field.

Engage through visual storytelling.

Harness the power of Video and Image Ads to visually captivate the tech-savvy audience. Create visually appealing and informative content that highlights your AI innovations. These ads provide an engaging way to communicate your message and captivate the audience’s imagination.

Engage in follow-up conversations.

After responding to queries, actively participate in the ensuing discussions. Respond to comments, address additional questions, and foster a dialogue with Quora users interested in your AI expertise. This will allow you to build a community around your brand.

Quora’s global AI audience stats


The AI landscape in the United States is thriving, with a robust presence of AI companies, startups, and tech giants. Nearly half of users (48%) express excitement about artificial intelligence. Among them, 37% indicate their companies use AI and 23% rely on AI platforms and chatbots as their primary source of internet information.

Quora users in the US are interested in AI-generated media with video games being the top choice followed by music.


Video games




Comedy videos


TV or film


Art / photography





AI-related topic views on Quora in the US

US AI Market Trends

Popular AI questions on Quora in the US

Get your brand’s message in front of 147 million monthly unique visitors on Quora in the US.



Europe has established itself as a hub for AI research and innovation. With 54% of Quora users excited about artificial intelligence, the continent has been experiencing an increasing interest in AI-related topics. In fact, 31% of users claim that their companies use AI, highlighting the widespread adoption of AI technologies by the European corporate sector.

Users from Europe have a taste for AI-generated media with music being the top choice followed by art/photography and video games.




Art / photography


Video games


TV or film


Comedy videos





Get your brand’s message in front of 48 million monthly unique visitors on Quora in Europe & the UK.




India’s AI landscape is marked by significant enthusiasm and rapid growth in AI adoption. An impressive 70% of Quora users in India express excitement about artificial intelligence, reflecting a growing interest in AI technologies. Among them, 50% reveal their companies utilize AI, highlighting the increasing integration of AI into Indian businesses. 29% of them use AI tools for work daily, and 45% rely on AI platforms and chatbots for informative purposes, demonstrating their active involvement when it comes to AI.

Moving beyond work, Quora users in India show interest in various kinds of AI-generated media with art/photography being the top most choice followed by video games.


Art / photography




TV or film


Comedy videos




Video games



Get your brand’s message in front of 100 million monthly unique visitors on Quora in India.


Southeast Asia

Southeast Asia is experiencing rapid growth in AI interest and adoption. An impressive 66% of Quora users in this region express their excitement about artificial intelligence. Among them, 37% of users reveal that their companies are using AI, out of which 17% use AI tools for work daily indicating a spike in interest in AI tools among professionals from different industries.

Southeast Asian users are deeply interested in AI-generated media, with a large number of views across different art forms. Among them, the top choice is video games followed by music.


Video games




Art / photography


Comedy videos


TV or film





Get your brand’s message in front of 29 million monthly unique visitors on Quora in Southeast Asia.


Australia & New Zealand

Australia and New Zealand are witnessing a surge in AI enthusiasm. In this region, 50% of Quora users express excitement about artificial intelligence. While 26% indicate their companies use AI and 22% use AI tools daily for work. Beyond this, Quora users in this region heavily rely on AI platforms and chatbots, with 22% turning to them for information.

Quora users from Australia and New Zealand express their enthusiasm for various AI-generated media with music being the top choice.




Comedy videos


TV or film






Art / photography


Video games

AI-related topic views on Quora in Australia & New Zealand
Australia and New Zealand AI Market Insights
Popular AI questions on Quora in Australia & New Zealand

Get your brand’s message in front of 12 million monthly unique visitors on Quora in Australia & New Zealand.


Middle East

The Middle East is showing remarkable enthusiasm for artificial intelligence, with 58% of Quora users from the region expressing their excitement regarding AI. Quora serves as a platform for users from this region to engage with AI-related topics and stay informed about the latest developments in the field, indicating an increase in AI interest in the Middle East.

AI-related topic views on Quora in the Middle East

Middle East AI Market Trends

Popular AI questions on Quora in the Middle East

Get your brand’s message in front of 10 million monthly unique visitors on Quora in the Middle East.


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