Quora Insights

Job and Career Market Trends & Quora Audience Insights

The job market is undergoing a rapid transformation over the past couple of years as remote and hybrid work models gain popularity. Side by side, technology is changing the very nature of work as new roles emerge in response to the needs of the current times. A study by the World Economic Forum suggests that 85 million jobs will get taken over by automation by 2025, but those new technologies will create 97 million new jobs. A more recent study by the same organization foresees that 44% of workers’ skills will be disrupted in the next five years.

With all these seismic shifts in the jobs and careers landscape, traditional recruitment marketing and advertising is no longer enough for companies and recruiting firms seeking talent. How do you cut through the chaos and reach the right candidates? What mediums and recruitment marketing strategy will resonate with your target audience amidst the on-going disruption? The key lies in understanding where your ideal candidates are spending their time and how they consume information. Within this unchartered terrain, Quora offers the triple advantages of Market insights, Audience statistics and Quora Ads that enable marketers to bring greater focus in their recruiting marketing by connecting with high-intent job seekers at the right moment.

Global job market statistics & trends

Even before the pandemic struck, remote working patterns were gaining popularity. According to a post-pandemic study, Talent Tech Outlook 2022, 82% of respondents agreed that they prefer working remotely to working from the office, and 64% of employees experienced higher productivity working from home as compared to working from the office. 

Automation and Artificial Intelligence are also among the largest disruptors of work as we know it. A study by Mckinsey Global Institute (2023) expects that at least 12 million workers in the US will have to change occupations by the end of 2030 due to these two factors. It pointed out that the demand for clerks, administrative assistants, retail salespersons, and cashiers would be most impacted. 

There are other distinct trends emerging in the job market:

Technologies like AI create new careers.

With the growing popularity of chatbots and AI, specialist profiles like ‘prompt engineering’ have emerged. Other developments, like Web3, the Metaverse and DAO (decentralized autonomous organizations), also demand new coding, visualization and other skills and will originate new careers which meet their demands. A Gallup and AWS study found that advanced digital skills are expected to raise global GDP by an estimated $6.3 trillion each year.

eRecruitment is an efficient and cost-effective approach.

Online recruitment marketing entails cloud-based recruitment software, web-based resources, and other technology to find, attract, interview, and hire new personnel. A 2023 SSRN study found that online recruitment is effective regarding speed, cost, time, and accessibility, reducing workload, reaching a large pool of candidates, meeting specified requirements, attracting positive job seekers, and increasing organizational performance.

Upskilling and reskilling have become a necessity.

With skill set requirements changing rapidly, professionals and entrepreneurs find themselves going back to formal online or offline learning to keep pace. Companies, too, are following “Quiet hiring”, which entails encouraging employees to acquire new skills to undertake additional roles rather than hiring new employees. 

Job seekers and companies prioritize people-empowerment.

Today, diversity, equity and inclusion are priorities alongside mental health and wellbeing. Concerns for more conducive work spaces (remote and physical) and more diverse and inclusive work colleagues has changed the priorities of recruiters and candidates too.  

Social media platforms are becoming critical components of recruitment marketing strategy.

 With social platforms’ wide reach and an emphasis on personal branding, social media has become a preferred route for recruiters and job seekers alike, particularly among Gen Z and millennial candidates. As today’s talent actively seeks opportunities on online platforms and share their job-search journeys with online communities, ignoring these avenues limits a recruiter’s reach significantly. 


of job seekers between the ages of 18 and 34 found their last job on social media


of employers view candidates’ social profiles before making the decision to hire


of  job-seekers rely on social media to research about companies that they are interested in


of candidates state their primary source of job-search is online

Recruitment marketing outlook & statistics

Job and career advertising has become more challenging on many levels. Not only are the types of roles evolving, but they are also being targeted through digital channels.

Maintaining a dynamic presence on social media platforms doesn’t cost recruiters or businesses a single penny. By engaging with premier candidates through these networks, recruitment groups can cut down on costs while boosting their operational effectiveness.



of recruiters see their job more as marketing


of professionals are passive job seekers

1 in 10

hires comes from social media

Jobs and careers – digital advertising trends & examples

As advertising and recruiting marketing in the jobs and careers space shift towards digital, success is determined by adaptability to these trends and meeting candidates where they are. Navigating this new reality requires adaptability, creativity, and a deep understanding of the evolving job market and candidate expectations. By embracing these challenges, companies can attract the best talent and thrive in the ever-changing world of work.

With the internet and social media as the primary sources of information for job seekers, it’s crucial for companies to create a compelling online presence. To attract top talent, many businesses are ramping up their investment in sleek websites, targeted digital campaigns, and strategic social media marketing.

Here are some essential elements and ad formats to amplify your recruitment marketing strategy.

Tailored, personalized messaging

In today’s recruitment landscape, personalization is the key to standing out. Savvy recruiters understand that a one-size-fits-all approach is less effective than tailored messaging that speaks directly to the individual interests and aspirations of job candidates.

To implement personalized messaging, it’s vital to segment your target audience and craft messages that address the specific desires, skills, and potential career paths relevant to each group. Utilizing data analytics and candidate profiling, recruiters can send personalized job alerts, individualized emails, and even personalized content on social media that resonates on a deeper level with job seekers.

For instance, a software developer may be more interested in cutting-edge technology and coding challenges, while a marketing professional might be drawn to creative campaign strategies and brand-building opportunities. Speaking directly to these interests shows candidates that a company understands and values their unique skill sets and career goals.

Additionally, personalization can extend to the application process itself. Tailoring the application experience by remembering candidate details and preferences can make the process more intuitive and user-friendly, reducing drop-off rates and enhancing the candidate’s journey.

By embracing a personalized recruitment marketing strategy, companies convey that they are not just looking for any candidate but the right candidate. This level of personal attention can significantly boost a company’s appeal to job seekers, fostering a connection that is more likely to lead to successful hires and long-term employee engagement.


When aiming to attract the modern workforce, particularly Gen Z, it’s important to adopt an informal, conversational communication style. Recruitment marketers should develop content that resonates on a peer level, avoiding corporates. Write in a casual, relatable tone, using language that reflects everyday conversations, such as contractions and a more personal voice.

Answering questions on professional forums or platforms like LinkedIn can provide opportunities to engage directly with potential candidates, showcasing company expertise and building trust. Marketers can participate in discussions about industry trends, career paths, or workplace culture, sharing insights and experiences organically. This approach helps recruiters understand job seekers’ priorities and concerns, and by presenting themselves as helpful advisors rather than just employers, they can build credibility and trust with potential applicants.

Video ads

As noted by industry experts, a significant portion of job seekers use social media to explore company profiles and career opportunities. Short-form video is particularly influential in shaping their perceptions and decisions regarding potential employers. According to Aspiration Marketing, 78% of marketers believe video moves the needle.

In a competitive job market, companies must differentiate themselves through compelling employer brand narratives. Recruitment advertising is moving away from simple job descriptions to emotive storytelling. Interactive and immersive video content, like virtual office tours and employee testimonials, can provide candidates with an engaging glimpse into the company culture.

Today’s job seekers often consume content on mobile devices and are inclined to share videos they find appealing. Businesses seeking to attract the best talent must establish a commanding brand presence across digital channels and tell stories that create an emotional connection.

Image ads

For businesses recruiting new talent, striking images can capture more attention than plain text ads. Photos enable companies to visually communicate the workplace environment. They can highlight office spaces, team events, and more to give candidates a sense of the company’s dynamism and improve brand recall.

Image ads also offer the flexibility to scale campaigns, ranging from targeted local efforts to extensive global branding initiatives. By repurposing top-performing images, businesses can continuously refresh their core recruitment marketing messages, maintaining seasonal promotions and conversion campaigns.

Display ads are a favored format for recruitment advertisers because they combine visual storytelling with the ability to reach a wide audience and track campaign performance effectively.

Native ads

Native ads integrate seamlessly with the surrounding content, avoiding the impression of a “hard sell.” This is particularly effective in recruitment, which focuses more on the experience and company fit than on direct selling. They enable businesses to share their story in an engaging, editorial-style format.

Native formats foster a discovery mindset among job seekers, introducing them to new roles and company insights in a relaxed atmosphere, as opposed to aggressive calls-to-action. These placements also extend reach into professional and reputable environments, where the target demographic is actively seeking opportunities.

Rather than pushing sales, native ad units like promoted articles or posts can subtly convey useful information about the company culture, job openings, career development programs, and more. This educates and informs potential candidates about what the company has to offer. Additionally, consistent exposure to the company’s name and brand through relevant native content builds brand recognition without being pushy.

With sponsored content now a norm online, native advertising enables companies to maintain a contemporary digital marketing approach and remain at the forefront of candidates’ minds. Native advertising thus serves as a storytelling medium that aligns well with the experiential nature of modern recruitment marketing.

Success Story: Vettery

Vettery is an online hiring marketplace that uses machine learning and real-time data to match talented job-seekers with inspiring companies. The acquisition team at Vettery realized there were conversations on Quora between individuals looking for their next opportunity and those interested in hiring new talent. 

Vettery leveraged Quora to drive quality conversions and increase the volume of high-quality leads.

“Overall, we’re extremely happy with our investment in Quora, and we will continue to depend on the platform to help us reach our aggressive growth goals.”


 Jaime Getto, Director of Acquisition and Retention Marketing, Vettery

Success Story: Seek Australia

Seek Australia leveraged Quora Ads to effectively reach and engage with a targeted audience of professionals, thereby increasing brand awareness and driving traffic to their job listings and career resources.


Job and career advertising on Quora

Quora has become a hub for job seekers, career changers, and industry professionals seeking insights and guidance. With communities of highly engaged and informed audiences, it is an ideal platform for organizations looking to reach this target demographic.

Whether promoting job boards, career coaching services, or building thought leadership on jobs and careers, Quora offers a unique opportunity to connect with an actively searching and motivated group of individuals.

Quora users are comfortable with AI-based job search tools


used AI tools in the workplace in the last month


would use AI tools for Personal organization (e.g. setting goals, managing tasks)


used AI tools daily in the workplace in the last month


would use AI tools for Code assistance (e.g. programming, error debugging)

They consider the following application as appropriate uses for an AI tool:


Customer service responses


Social media posts


Workplace emails and messages


Blogs and articles


Job applications

Popular job & career topics on Quora

Quora is home to year-round learners. The following education and job topics saw growth spurts in 2023 as Quora’s audience turned to the platform for job searches and upskilling resources:

  • Information Technology Professionals: +12.5%
  • Job Market: +56.8%
  • Software Engineer Recruitment: +29.0%
  • Personal Development Self-improvement: +13.6%
  • Leveling Up: +9.95%
  • Professional Development: +11.2%

In the last year, questions on Quora regarding technical interviews and salaries have grown significantly.

  • Technical Interview Questions: +88%
  • Salaries for Specific Jobs and Careers: +51%
  • Salaries and Wages: +35%

Jobs and career related content views on Quora

Why recruitment firms should advertise on Quora

Sharper insights and tailored strategies

Gone are the days of generic job descriptions. Recruiters can better understand the nuances of each niche by tapping into Quora’s treasure trove of industry-specific questions and expert answers. Using these insights, you can craft targeted messages that resonate deeply with your ideal candidate.

Going beyond job boards

Today, the talent hunt extends beyond traditional platforms. Quora, with its active communities and engaged professionals, allows you to connect directly with potential hires where they’re already seeking knowledge and sharing experiences. It also gives you an effective channel to foster authentic interactions and showcase your company culture in a natural, organic way.

Speaking their language

The one-size-fits-all approach to recruiting doesn’t work anymore. Quora reveals what truly matters to today’s candidates—purpose, flexibility, and work-life balance. Knowing this helps recruiters and advertisers to craft messages that highlight these aspects, using data-driven targeting and personalized outreach to break through the noise.

Cutting through the clutter

Attention spans are shrinking, but Quora offers unique engagement opportunities. Share insightful content that addresses genuine candidate concerns, leveraging the platform’s question-and-answer format to spark meaningful conversations and build trust.

Numbers don't lie

The struggle is real – time to fill vacancies is rising. By proactively engaging on Quora, you can build brand awareness, attract qualified talent, and ultimately shorten your hiring cycle.

Get your brand’s message in front of over 400 million monthly unique visitors on Quora.


Quora’s global job and career audience stats



Emerging technologies have been shaping the jobs landscape in the US. FinancesOnline remarked that rising demand for AI/ML skills has pushed companies to seek specialized talent. At the same time, social media and mobile platforms, like job boards and company pages, have become crucial engagement tools for attracting potential employees, offering both job information and employer branding in one space. It quoted a study that revealed that 25% of job seekers utilize these platforms for job hunting.

People on Quora in the US are comfortable using AI tools in the workplace and personal spaces.


used AI tools in the workplace in the last month


would use AI tools for Personal organization (e.g. setting goals, managing tasks)


would use AI tools for Code assistance (e.g. programming, error debugging)

They consider the following application as appropriate uses for an AI tool:


Customer service responses


Workplace emails and messages


Job applications


Blogs and articles


Social media posts

Popular job & career topics on Quora in the US

Quora users in the US are demonstrating a strong interest in jobs and remuneration. This is apparent in a rise in topic views around these themes.

YoY growth in topic views

  • Salaries and Wages: +51%
  • Corporate Life: +34%
  • Job Searches: +13%
  • Jobs and Careers: +11%

 Job & career-related content views on Quora in the US

Get your brand’s message in front of 147 million monthly unique visitors on Quora in the US.


People on Quora in Europe are comfortable using AI tools in the workplace and personal spaces.


used AI tools in the workplace in the last month


would use AI tools for Personal organization (e.g. setting goals, managing tasks)


would use AI tools for Code assistance (e.g. programming, error debugging)

They consider the following application as appropriate uses for an AI tool:


Customer service responses


Social media posts


Workplace emails and messages


Blogs and articles


Job applications

Popular job & career topics on Quora in Europe

In the EU, Quora users have been showing growing interest in job and career related topics over the past one year.

YoY growth in topic views

  • Corporate Culture: +82%
  • Salaries and Wages: +34%
  • Salaries for Specific Jobs and Careers: +24%
  • Corporate Life: +22%

 Job & career related content views on Quora in Europe

Get your brand’s message in front of over 48 million European & UK Quora users.



A 2023-year-end article on career trends to look for in 2024 by India Today explained that there would be lucrative opportunities in evolving industries and new job profiles and careers such as those in Data Science, AI/ML engineering, digital marketing, cybersecurity, prompt engineering, and green specialization. It emphasized the need for diverse skill sets beyond traditional paths.

Quora users in India are predominantly tech-savvy and comfortable with using AI tools.


    used AI tools in the workplace in the last month


    would use AI tools for Personal organization (e.g. setting goals, managing tasks)


    used AI tools daily in the workplace in the last month


    would use AI tools for Code assistance (e.g. programming, error debugging)

    They consider the following application as appropriate uses for an AI tool:


    Social media posts


    Customer service responses


    Workplace emails and messages


    Blogs and articles


    Job applications

    Popular job & career topics on Quora in India

    Reflecting these observations, audience insights on Quora demonstrated a spike in views, particularly on specific topics like technical interviews and corporate culture.

    YoY growth in topic views

    • Technical Interview Questions: +321%
    • Corporate Culture: +69%
    • Employers: +29%
    • Recruiters: +23%
    • Hiring: +21%
    Job & career-related content views on Quora in India

    Get your brand’s message in front of 100 million monthly unique visitors on Quora in India.

    Southeast Asia

    According to a study by Robert Walters, Even though pay and benefits remain important factors in Southeast Asia, employees will continue to evaluate job offers more holistically in 2024. The study suggested that candidates will seek out companies with a purpose, cultures and values that align with their own and the demand for flexible work arrangements will also persist, even amidst a larger movement calling for more employees to return to the office. 

    With respect to AI tools, Quora users in Southeast Asia find themselves conversant on a professional as well as personal level.


    used AI tools in the workplace in the last month


    would use AI tools for Code assistance (e.g. programming, error debugging)


    would use AI tools for Personal organization (e.g. setting goals, managing tasks)

    They consider the following application as appropriate uses for an AI tool:


    Customer service responses


    Social media posts


    Workplace emails and messages


    Job applications


    Blogs and articles

    Popular job & career topics on Quora in Southeast Asia

    Quora users in Southeast Asia have been busy exploring a range of job and career related themes with increasing intensity over the past year.

    YoY growth in topic views

    • Salaries and Wages: +63%
    • Salary and Wages Advice: +60%
    • Interview Questions: +36%
    • Corporate Life: +24%
    • Salaries for Specific Jobs and Careers: +22%
    • Corporate Culture: +16%
    • Career Advice and Job Interviews: +11%
     Job & career related content views on Quora in Southeast Asia

    Get your brand’s message in front of over 29 million Quora users in Southeast Asia.

    Australia & New Zealand

    CXC Global finds that the job market across the Australia and New Zealand (Australia & New Zealand) region has undergone significant shifts in recent years as the impact of the pandemic era continues to be felt. It noted that these shifts, coupled with advancing technologies, a rising trend of global talent sourcing as well as companies investing in a major L&D drive, will determine the near-term future of jobs and careers in the region.

    CXC went on to share that workers desire more hybrid working opportunities, and employers are looking to bring their people back to the office, creating a widespread emphasis on conducive work cultures.

    Like Quora users in other regions, those in Australia & New Zealand have been acquainting themselves with AI tools and are now comfortable using them for professional and personal endeavors.


      used AI tools in the workplace in the last month


      would use AI tools for Code assistance (e.g. programming, error debugging)


      would use AI tools for Personal organization (e.g. setting goals, managing tasks)

      They consider the following application as appropriate uses for an AI tool:


      Workplace emails and messages


      Customer service responses


      Job applications


      Social media posts

      Popular job & career topics on Quora in Australia & New Zealand

      Endorsing the need for conducive work cultures, Quora users in Australia & New Zealand have plotted a spike in views on the theme of corporate culture in the past one year.

      YoY growth in topic views

      • Corporate Culture: +146%
      • Salaries and Wages: +34%
      • Corporate Life: +27%
      Job & career-related content views on Quora in Australia & New Zealand

      Get your brand’s message in front of over 12 million Quora users in Australia & New Zealand.

      Middle East

      According to ACACIA Learning, the work in the Middle East has changed and continues to change rapidly, undergoing significant changes that are reshaping traditional work methods, due to technological advancements, societal shifts, and environmental concerns. Some of the predominant trends include the remote work revolution, well-being and broader sustainability as a priority, upskilling initiatives in line with tech investments and constant learning as a way of life.

      Popular job & career topics on Quora in the Middle East

      Quora users in the Middle East region have been busy on the platform over the past year, seeking out information on various jobs and career related themes with increasing intensity.

      YoY growth in topic views

      • Salary and Wages Advice: +146%
      • Corporate Culture: +116%
      • Salaries for Specific Jobs and Careers: +106%
      • Salaries and Wages: +98%
      • Technical Interview Questions: +78%
      • Interview Questions: +32%
      • Jobs and Careers: +10%

      Job & career-related content views on Quora in the Middle East

      Get your brand’s message in front of 10 million monthly unique visitors on Quora in the Middle East.

      Navigating towards successful recruitment marketing and advertising

      The key to success lies in adaptation and understanding of job and career markets and Quora empowers marketers and advertisers from the space to navigate the evolving job market, connect with the right talent, and emerge victorious in the war for top performers. So, unleash your inner talent magnet and start leveraging Quora’s potential today!

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