Your profile plays a critical role in building your Quora viewership, connecting with your audience, and establishing yourself as an expert in your field. This is where you share who you are, the topics you’re knowledgeable in, and your track record of answers and writing prowess—not just for Quora users, but for people all across the Internet who may discover your profile and answers.
Here are a few tips to help your Quora profile stand out.
Use a clean headshot for your profile photo

- Show your face only. Help visitors avoid the guessing game that comes with including multiple people in your profile photo.
- Dress for success. If your goal is to build influence, wearing professional attire in your profile photo may serve you better.
- Look approachable. It helps to have a warm smile and expression in your picture. People’s first impressions of your approachability affects how likely they are to read your answers and follow you.
Make your credential line an official title
This is the section right under your name on your profile where you can share more about your work, career, and, educational background to build rapport, credibility, and trust with visitors.
Starting tips on writing good credentials:
- Quantify your years of experience
- Display your profession, along with your institution of employment/education if comfortable
- Keep your “credentials & highlights” up to date with anything relevant that relates to the areas you are answering questions about. These are located in the upper right side of your profile.
Note: There are 2 main ways to add credentials:
1. Go to your Quora profile and click the “Edit” link in the “Credentials & Highlights” section
2. When writing or editing an answer, click the “…” icon in the lower right corner of your answer and select “Edit Credential.”
Include a short bio
Consider this your “About Me” section to help visitors better understand who you are. For practice, try writing your description in a way that would answer the following questions:
- Who are you? What’s your background and years of experience? Why should people listen to what you have to say?
- What topics and subject matter are you knowledgeable in and like to write about?
- What are some of your unique and proudest accomplishments?
For veteran creators, consider linking some of your proudest or most helpful answers in your description for visitors to check out directly.
Pin your best answers to the top

When people from Quora and the wider internet visit your profile, you can showcase your answer-writing talents by pinning answers to your profile.
Good examples of answers to showcase and pin include:
- Your favorite, proudest answer that speaks to your passions, personality, and character
- Answers that highlight your strengths as a writer
- Educative, informative answers
Looking for more Creator tips like these? Visit our Creators page for more resources.